Reasoning Quiz – New Coding-Decoding – 35

New Pattern Coding-Decoding for Bank PO MainsNew Pattern Coding-Decoding for Bank PO Mains

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz on New Coding Decoding Problems for bank exams.


(1-5) Study the information given below and answer the question.

In a certain code language,

‘Rice Lap Animal Kisto’  is written as  “3#28, 4@23, 4*26, 5$13”

‘Lock Fit Cross Jio’  is written as  “4#25, 3*22, 3#26, 3@23”

‘Fish Goal Little Hacks’  is written as  “4$17, 3*27, 3@14, 4@19”

‘Crown Anku Bittu Aanya’  is written as  “4*23, 4@22, 5*2, 3*17”

Note- After symbol, all numerical values is of double digit.

Q.1 The code for the word ‘Bittu’ is?

(a) 4@22

(b) 3*17

(c) 4*23

(d) Either a or c

(e) None of these.


Option: C


Q.2 What will be the code for ‘Camel’?

(a) 3*15

(b) 4@17

(c) 3@17

(d) 4*15

(e) None of these.


Option: D


Q.3 What will be the code for ‘Rosy’?

(a) 4@43

(b) 3@42

(c) 5@43

(d) 3#42

(e) None of these.


Option: E – code- 3@43


Q.4 What will be the code for ‘Lactic’?

(a) 5$15

(b) 4$15

(c) 3$15

(d) 5*15

(e) None of these.


Option: B


Q.5 What will be the code for ‘Man’?

(a) 2#25

(b) 3#25

(c) 3#27

(d) 4#27

(e) None of these.


Option: C


1st place:- number of vowels + 2

Symbol:- as per no. Of alphabet

4 alphabets- @

3 – #

6 – $

5 – *

Last value:- addition of place value of the 1st alphabet and the last alphabet.


(6-10) Study the information given below and answer the question.

In a certain code language,

‘Facts Pack Images Fix’  is written as  “19@12, 15$39, 30#9, 28*21”

‘Normal Angry Love Earth’  is written as  “33*32, 31*21, 33$40, 34@20”

‘Jung Mobile Calls Gul’  is written as  “34*13, 24@28, 19#21, 27$29”

Note- All numerical values is of double digit.


Q.6 What will be the code for ‘Gaur’?

(a) 27@19

(b) 25@18

(c) 28@19

(d) 27@18

(e) None of these.


Option: C


Q.7 Which word could be represents by “19#1”?

(a) Map

(b) Camp

(c) Mac

(d) Cap

(e) None of these.


Option: D


Q.8 What will be the code for ‘Crack’?

(a) 13*22

(b) 15*21

(c) 17*21

(d) 19*23

(e) None of these.


Option: B


Q.9 Which word could be represents by “51*30”?

(a) Foster

(b) Vocal

(c) Motor

(d) Super

(e) None of these.


Option: C


Q.10 What will be the code for ‘Bottle’?

(a) 32$40

(b) 35$42

(c) 34$38

(d) 34$40

(e) None of these.


Option: D

Show Solution

1st value:- Addition of place value of all alphabet (on odd places within the word)

Symbol:- as per no. Of alphabet

4 alphabets- @

3 – #

6 – $

5 – *

Last value:- addition of place value of all alphabets ( on even places within the word)



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This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:02 pm