Reasoning Quiz – May, 2015 – Set 8

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Syllogisms for Upcoming PO exams.

Directions (Q.1-6): In this question are given four statements followed by five conclusions, one of which definitely DOES NOT logically follow or is not a possibility of occurrence from the given statements. That conclusion will be your answer.

1. Statements:
No toy is a doll.
All guns are toys.
All houses are dolls.
All dolls are baskets.
I. All guns being baskets is a possibility.
II. No gun is a house.
III. All baskets are toys.
IV. All houses are baskets.
V. No doll is a gun.
2. Statements:
Some logics are reasons.
All reasons are arguments.
All arguments are fights.
No fight is a discussion.
I. All discussions being logic is a possibility.
II. No discussion is an argument.
III. No reason is a discussion.
IV. All reasons are fights.
V. All logics being discussion is a possibility.
3. Statements:
All circles are spheres.
All spheres are rectangles.
No rectangle is a pyramid.
No pyramid is a triangle.
I. At least some rectangles are circles.
II. All triangles being circles is a possibility.
III. All rectangles being triangles is a possibility.
IV. At least some circles are pyramids.
V. No pyramid is a sphere.
4. Statements:
No hotel is a motel.
All motels are apartments.
All apartments are inns.
No inn is a guest house.
I. No motel is a guest house.
II. All hotels being inns is a possibility.
III. All hotels being apartments is a possibility.
IV. No motel is an inn.
V. No guest house is an apartment.
5. Statements:
All references are mails.
All mentions are references.
All comments are mentions.
No mail is a declaration.

I. All comments are mails.
II. All declarations being comments is a possibility.
III. No mention is a declaration.
IV. No reference is a declaration.
V. At least some mails are mentions.
6. Statements:
Some moments are flashes.
All moments are seconds.
All flashes are instances.
No instance is an hour.

I. No second is a flash.
II. All hours being seconds is a possibility.
III. At least some moments are instances.
IV. No hour is a flash.
V. At least some seconds are instances.


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