Reasoning Quiz for Upcoming IBPS Exams – Set 6 | Puzzle – Moderate

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Puzzle Quiz for Upcoming IBPS Bank Exams. The following set of questions are moderate level.

Q. (1-5) Study the following information and answer the question.

Seven girls Deepti, Khushi, Akshi, Betty, Ruby, Anya and Tiya like different places i.e. UK, MP,
Punjab, Kolkata, UP, Lucknow and Delhi not necessarily in the same order. Each of them lives in
either of three apartments i.e. Town, Jurs and Gul apartment with at least two of them in the
same apartment. These are the further detailsThe
one who likes Delhi, lives only with Tiya. Ruby lives with one, who likes UK, in Town
apartment. Akshi lives with those who like Punjab and UP. Tiya doesn’t like UK. Deepti lives
with one who likes Lucknow. Akshi doesn’t live with Ruby. The one who likes Lucknow doesn’t
live with the one who likes Delhi. More than one girl live with Anya. Akshi doesn’t like MP. Anya
doesn’t like Punjab. Deepti doesn’t live in Gul apartments. Both Betty and the one who likes MP
live in the same apartment, but not in Gul apartments. Tiya doesn’t like MP.

Q.1 who among the following likes Kolkata?
(a) Khushi
(b) Deepti
(c) Rubi
(d) Tiya
(e) None of these.

Q.2 which pair is live in the same apartment?
(a) Anya, Akshi, Tiya
(b) Betty, Ruby, Khushi
(c) Deepti, Akshi, Anya
(d) Cannot be determined.
(e) None of these.

Q.3 who among the following likes MP?
(a) Anya
(b) Deepti
(c) Betty
(d) Khushi
(e) None of these.

Q.4 which pair is correct?
(a) Ruby – Jurs
(b) Tiya – Punjab
(c) Akshi – Lucknow
(d) Deepti – Town
(e) None of these.

Q.5 Anya is related to Deepti, Tiya is related to Betty. Then in the same way who is related to
(a) Akshi
(b) Ruby
(c) Anya
(d) Cannot be determined.
(e) None of these.


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Q. (6-10) Study the following information and answer the question.

Eight students Sumit, Nikhil, Amit, Pankaj, Sourav, Lalit, Vivek and Deepak are sitting around a
circular table, but not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing away from the
center. These are the further detailsLalit
is not an immediate neighbour of Nikhil. Both the immediate neighbours of Nikhil face in
the direction opposite to the direction of Nikhil. Deepak and Amit do not sit opposite to each
other. Pankaj is sitting fourth to the left of Nikhil. Both the immediate neighbours of Pankaj face
the same direction as that of Sourav. Amit faces in the same direction as that of Vivek. Sourav is
sitting second to the right of Pankaj. Both the immediate neighbours of Vivek face towards the
center. Sumit is an immediate neighbour of Lalit.

Q.6 who among the following is sitting to the immediate left of Sourav?
(a) Amit
(b) Nikhil
(c) Lalit
(d) Deepak
(e) None of these.

Q.7 who sits opposite to Sumit?
 (a) Pankaj
(b) Sourav
(c) Amit
(d) Deepak
(e) None of these.

Q.8 who sits third to the right of Vivek?
(a) Sumit
(b) Nikhil
(c) Deepak
(d) Sourav
(e) None of these.

Q.9 Lalit is related to Sourav, Deepak is related to Vivek. Then in the same way, who is related
to Nikhil?
(a) Sumit
(b) Amit
(c) Pankaj
(d) Cannot be determined.
(e) None of these.

Q.10 which group faces in the same direction?
(a) Deepak, Sumit, Vivek
(b) Lalit, Pankaj, Nikhil
(c) Sourav, Vivek. Amit
(d) Sumit, Amit, Nikhil
(e) None of these.


  1. D
  2. C
  3. E
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C





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This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:16 pm