Reasoning Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2015 – Set 17

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2015.

A word arrangement machine when given an input line of words
and rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is
an illustration of input and various steps of rearrangement.
Input: Violation
resign declined insubordinate in university.
Step – I: In
violation resign declined university insubordinate.
Step -II: Resign
in violation declined insubordinate university.
Step -III:
Declined resign in violation insubordinate university.
University declined resign in violation insubordinate.
Step-V: Violation
University declined resign in insubordinate.
Insubordinate violation university declined resign in.
Step VI is the last
step of the above input, as the desired arrangement is obtained as per the
rules follow above, find the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: Cabinet
decision eldest assassination applications said.
1. Which of the
following represents position of ‘Decision’ in step III ?
(a) Second from left
(b) Third from right
(c) Fourth from right
(d) Third from left
(e) None of these
2. Which step will be
the last but one?
(a) Step VIII
(b) Step VII
(c) Step VI
(d) Step V
(e) Step IV
3. How many steps
will be required to complete this step ?
(a) Six
(b) Five
(c) Four
(d) Seven
(e) Eight
4. What is the
position of ‘said’ in the last step ?
(a) Fourth from left
(b) Fifth from left
(c) Second from right
(d) Third from right
(e) First from right
5. Which step is the
following output ?
‘Decision cabinet
eldest said assassination application ‘
(a) Step III
(b) Step IV
(c) Step V
(d) Step VI
(e) None of these


The machine arranges according to the number
of vowels in the words i.e. The word which contain one
vowel will be put first, the word which contain two vowel
will be put on the second places and so on the machine
arranges the input.

Input : Cabinet decision eldest assassination
applications said.

Step I: Said cabinet decision eldest assassination

Step II : Eldest said cabinet decision assassinations

Step III : Cabinet eldest said decision assassination

Step IV: Decision cabinet eldest said assassination

Step V: Applications decision cabinet eldest said

Step VI: Assassination applications decision cabinet
eldest said


V! – 5/5 – Only one to Explain the LOGIC.


Team ExamPundit


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