Reasoning Quiz for SBI PO Mains 2016 – Set 1

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Read the followings carefully and answer

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Directions (Q. 1 – 3) : Read the following information carefully and answer
the given questions :
The Ghaziabad city has emerged as
one of the most sought-after housing and commercial destination in past decade.
But, it seems that the city’s parking conditions refuses to get any better.
Finding a place for parking is a time consuming affair.
A) Residents are forced to park
on the roads.
B) Authorities are not concerned
about the parking complaints.
C) The parking system in the city
is chaotic and unorganised.
D) Parking anywhere can hinder
vehicular movement.
E) Authorities can create under
ground or multi-level parking system in highly congested areas.
1. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be inferred
from the given information ?
1) Only B
2) Both B and E
3) Only C
4) Only E
5) Both E and C
2. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) may be a consequence of the given information?
1) Only A
2) Both A and B
3) Both D and E
4) Both A and D
5) Only C
3. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be an immediate course of action for the authorities?
1) Both A and C
2) Only C
3) Both B and E
4) Both B and D
5) Only E
Directions: (Q.4 -6) : Read the following information carefully and
answer the given questions :
While the nursery admission
process has to be regulated, the government must also give parents more good
schools options. The Delhi government promised to open new quality school
throughout the state. Delhi needs equitable distribution of good schools across
the city. As long as school-both government and private – are allowed to
operate without meeting basic standards, the great nursery admission chaos will
A) Nursery admission is biggest
challenge, parents face in Delhi.
B) No end to nursery admission
chaos till state school becomes an option.
C) The new lot of schools can be
only a respectable alternative to the private ones.
D) Government should open new
schools in the city.
E) Quality education should be
offered in government schools.
4. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) may be probable
in favour of Government for equal distribution of schools ?
1) Only C
2) Both C and D
3) Only D
4) Both D and E
5) Both A & B
5. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be an assumption
of the given information?
1) Only C
2) Only A, C and E
3) Only E
4) Only B
5) Both B and D
6. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be an effective
step to stop nursery admission chaos ?
1) Both C and B
2) Both D and E
3) Only D
4) Both A and B
5) Both B and E
Directions (Q. 7-10) : Read the
following information carefully and answer the given questions :
Soon, the Delhi government will
give residents power to handle the development of their area, by introducing
Mohalla Sabhas, consisting of residents. The Delhi government to do away with
the MLA Local development funds, which each MLA spends on his/her constituency
as there have been complaints that MLA use funds just for their personal
projects or misuses the funds.
A) Mohalla Sabhas are more
capable to decide how to use funds.
B) All residents will be
responsible for development works.
C) There have been complaints of
misuse of the MLA fund.
D) Mohalla Sabhas will use funds
only for basic amenities.
E) Government wants citizens to
take up development projects.
7. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) will be a reason
for introducing Mohalla Sabhas?
1) Only A and B
2) Only B and C
3) Only C
4) Both D and E
5) Only D
8. Which of the following among (A),
(B), (C), (D), and (E) can be strong
argument for creating Mohalla Sabhas
1) Only D
2) Both A and B
3) Both B and C
4) Both A and C
5) Only B
9. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be inferred
from the given information?
1) Only A
2) Both B and D
3) Only C
4) Only E
5) None of these
10. Which of the following among
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be a possible
effect of the above step?
1) Only D
2) Only E
3) Both A and B
4) Both C and D
5) None of theses

1.  It is clearly inferred that the parking in the Ghaziabad city is a chaos and unorganised.
2.  Due to unorganised parking and absence of proper parking system citizens are forced to parks on the road which cause traffic hindrance and jams.
3. To overcome from the parking problem the authorities must create underground and multi-level parking in congested areas of the city.
5.  It is clear that until state schools becomes an options for the parents for their children schooling there is no end to nursery admission chaos.
6.  To prevent the nursery admission chaos, the quality education should be offered in government schools. Which can easily be affordable by parents.
7.  Due to the complaints against MLA for misusing the MLA fund the govt. decides to bring Mohalla Sabhas for proper use of funds.
9. It is clear the government wants citizens to take up development projects and handle the development of their area.
10. None of the given options is a possible effect of the step.


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:56 am