Reasoning Quiz for RBI Assistant 2015 – Set 12

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for RBI Assistant 2015.

In a certain code language
“necessary information is given here” is written as ‘tic jo la no mo’
‘information should be complete’ is written as’ ‘pic nic dic tic’, ‘complete
thing is necessary’ is written as ‘jo chi la dic’ and ‘question should be
given’ is written as ‘no nic pic ti’.
1. What is the code
for ‘should’ ?
(a) nic
(b) pic
(c) dic
(d) no
(e) Can’t be determined
2. What does ‘dic’
stand for ?
(a) Should
(b) be
(c) complete
(d) thing
(e) None of these
3. What is the code
for ‘here is necessary given thing’ ?
(a) tic jo no mo la
(b) no jo mo dic la
(c) no jo mo la chi
(d) chi la mo no dic
(e) Can’t be determined
4. ‘dic tic no’ could
be a code for which of the following ?
(a) complete given information
(b) necessary given question
(c) necessary given information
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of these
5. Which of the
following may represent ‘information should be transparent’ ?
(a) nic pic tic al
(b) nic dic no al
(c) nic pic dic tic
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of these

Solutions –


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