Reasoning Quiz for RBI Assistant 2015 – Set 9

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for RBI Assistant 2015.

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input
line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each
step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: fire 78 36
small 29 light will 27 48 hut 66 take.
Step – I: 78 fire
36 small 29 light 27 48 hut 66 take will.
Step -II: 66 78
fire 36 small 29 light 27 48 hut will take.
Step -III: 48 66
78 fire 36 29 light 27 hut will take small.
Step-IV: 36 48 66
78 fire 29 27 hut will take small light.
Step-V: 29 36 48
66 78 fire 27 will take small light hut.
Step-VI: 27 29 36
48 66 78 will take small light hut fire.
Step VI is the last step of the above input. As per rules
followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the
appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 90 reason
34 sign 30 pet 18 25 take night 72 means 14 use.
1. How many steps
will be required to complete the rearrangement?
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Seven
(d) Eight
(e) Nine
2. In which step will
there be the following out ?
14 34 72 90 reason 30 pet 18 25 night means use take sign
(a) Step I
(b) Step II
(c) Step III
(d) Step IV
(e) None of these
3. Which of the
following will be at the fifth position from the left in the Step IV?
(a) 90
(b) pet
(c) 18
(d) 72
(e) None of these
4. Which of the
following represent the position of ‘use’ in step III ?
(a) Fifth from right
(b) Sixth from left
(c) Fifth from left
(d) Fourth from right
(e) Sixth from right
5. Which element is
third to the left of sign in step V ?
(a) 18
(b) 90
(c) night
(d) means
(e) None of these

Solutions -The rearrangement take place in such a way that numbers are arranged from left side with the largest numbers placed in alternative steps while words are arranged from right side in reverse alphabetical order.

Input : 90 reason 34 sign 30 pet 18 25 take night 72 means 14 use.
Step I : 72 90 reason 34 sign 30 pet 18 25 night means 14 use take.
Step II: 34 72 90 reason 30 pet 18 25 night means 14 use take sign.
Step III: 30 34 72 90 pet 18 25 night means 14 use take sign reason.
Step IV: 25 30 34 72 90 18 night means 14 use take sign reason pet.
Step V: 18 25 30 34 72 90 means 14 use take sign reason pet night.

Step VI: 14 18 25 30 34 72 90 use take sign reason pet night means. 


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