Reasoning Quiz for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2015 – Set 6

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz based on Coding-Decoding for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2015.

Directions (Q. 1-5):
Study the following information to answer the given question.
In a certain code language, ‘govt proposed strong law’ is
written as ‘su da nic ki’, ‘weak law corrupt system’ is written as ‘phi ra tic
da’, ‘good system strong desire’ is written as ‘tic gi ki mo’, ‘desire change
corrupt govt’ is written as ‘zo nic phi gi’.
1. What is the code
for ‘proposed’?
1) da
2) su
3) nic
4) ki
5) Cannot be determined
2. Which of the
following is the code for ‘weak desire strong’?
1) zo ra ki
2) ra su mo
3) tic su ra
4) ki ra gi
5) None of these
3. What does ‘mo’
stand for?
1) strong
2) desire
3) good
4) corrupt
5) Cannot be determined
4. Which of the
following is represented by the code ‘da phi nic’?
1) corrupt system govt
2) govt law change
3) govt law corrupt
4) corrupt weak system
5) None of these
5. Which of the
following may be the possible code for ‘team proposed good law’?
1) su ye phi da
2) mo gi da su
3) da su mo ye
4) tic ye su da
5) None of these

Solutions –  govt proposed strong law ®
su da nic ki … (1)
weak law corrupt system ®
phi ra tic da … (2)
good system strong desire ®
tic gi ki mo … (3)
desire change corrupt govt ®
zo nic phi gi … (4)
From (1) and (2), law ®
From (1) and (3), strong ®
From (1) and (4), govt ®
From (1), proposed ®
From (2) and (3), system ®
From (2) and (4), corrupt ®
From (2), weak ®
From (3) and (4), desire ®
From (3), good ®
From (4), change ®
Directions (Q. 6-10):
Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
In certain code language, ‘her village is Sarurpur’is
written as ‘aa be rs ki’, ‘Sarurpur people loves her’ is written as ‘rs ub ki
wa’, ‘village people collect literature’ is written as ‘ba wa aa de’,
‘literature makes her perfect’ is written as ‘lo de ki fa’.
6. What is the code
for ‘people’?
1) pi
2) ub
3) wa
4) ki
5) Cannot be determined
7. What does ‘be’
stand for?
1) Village
2) Loves
3) Sarurpur
4) Is
5) Her
8. Which of the
following is the code for ‘village collect perfect loves’?
1) ub aa fa ba
2) fa ub rs aa
3) aa lo ki fa
4) aa ba ub lo
5) Cannot be determined
9. Which of the following
is represented by the code ‘rs ba de be’?
1) collect literature is Sarurpur
2) village people makes perfect
3) village is made literature
4) people collect perfect literature
5) None of these
10. Which of the
following may be the code for ‘collect her perfect foreign book’?
1) ba ki aa chi lo or fa
2) lo nic de ba ub
3) ub chi lo de aa
4) ki chi nic ba fa or lo
5) None of these

Solutions –  Her village is Sarurpur ®
‘aa be rs ki’ … (1)
Sarurpur people loves her ®
‘rs ub ki wa’ … (2)
village people collect literature ® ‘ba wa aa de’ … (3)
literature makes her perfect ®
‘lo de ki fa’ … (4)
From (1), and (3), village ®
From (1), (4) and (2), her ®
From (2) and (3), people ®
From (1) and (2), Sarurpur ®
From (3) and (4), literature ®
From (1), is ®
be So, from (3), collect ®
From (4), makes perfect ®
lo fa
From (2), loves ®


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