Reasoning Quiz for Bank Exams 2015 – Set 33

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for Bank Exams 2015.

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully to
answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language, ‘he likes vanilla flavour’ is written as
‘kit da lee ra’, ‘nobody likes too sweet flavour’ is written as ‘ra fi lee pi
zo’, ‘vanilla is my favourite’ is written as ‘chi da ye vo’, ‘sweet is best’ is
written as ‘chi pi koo’, and ‘likes favourite’ is written as ‘ra ye’.
1. What is the code
for ‘he’?
(a) kit
(b) da
(c) lee
(d) na
(e) can’t be determined
2. What is the code
for ‘flavour’?
(a) ra
(b) fi
(c) lee
(d) pi
(e) can’t be determined
3. Which of the
following is the code for ‘nobody likes vanilla’?
(a) zo ra da
(b) da fi ra
(c) pi ra da
(d) zo or fi, ra da
(e) None of these
4. Which of the
following may be the code for ‘he is her favourite’.
(a) chi kit mi lee
(b) kit ye mi chi
(c) lee mit ye kit
(d) chi ye kit pi
(e) None of these
5. What is the code
for ‘too’?
(a) ra
(b) fi
(c) zo
(d) zo or fi
(e) None of these

Solutions -he likes vanilla flavour > kit da lee ra … (1)
nobody likes too sweet flavour > ra fi lee pi zo … (2)
vanilla is my favourite > chi da ye vo … (3)
sweet is best > chi pi koo … (4)
likes favourite > ra ye … (5)
From (1) and (5),
likes > ra
From (5),
favourite > ye
From (2) and (4),
sweet > pi
From (3) and (4),
is > chi
And from (4),
best > koo
from (1) and (3)
vanilla > da
From (1) and (2),
flavour > lee
From (1),
he > kit
From (2),

nobody too > zo fi 
Direction (Q. 6-8): Study the following information carefully to answer
the questions given below:
Six products U, V, W, X, Y and Z are to be placed in display windows of
a shop. There are six display windows numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (from left to
right) and one product is to be put in one window. Moreover, U cannot be
immediately to the left or immediately to the right of V. W must be immediately
to the left of X. Z cannot be in window number 6.
6. Which of the
following products cannot be placed in window no. 1?
(a) V
(b) U
(c) W
(d) X
(e) None of these

Solutions -‘W’ must be immediately to the left of ‘X’. Hence, ‘X’
can’t be placed in the window no. 1.
7. If X is placed in
window no. 3, W must be placed in which window?
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 5
(e) None of these

Solutions -If ‘X’ is placed in window no. 3 then ‘W’ must be immediate
left of ‘X’, ie at no. 2.
8. If U is placed in
window no. 5, which of the following products must be placed in window no. 6?
(a) W
(b) V
(c) X
(d) Y
(e) None of these

Solutions –
Directions (Q. 9-10):
Study the following information to answer the given questions:
A, B, C, X, Y and Z are seated in a straight line facing North. C is
third to the right of Z and B sits second to
the right of C. X sits to the immediate right of A.
9. Which of the
following represents the pairs of persons sittng exacty in the middle of the
line? .
(a) XB
(b) ZB
(c) BX
(d) XC
(e) XY
10. What is X’s
position with respect to Z?
(a) Immediate right to Z
(b) Second to the left
(c) Third to the right
(d) Second to the right
(e) None of these

Solutions –


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