Inequality Questions and Answers PDF Download | For Upcoming Exams

Inequality Questions and Answers PDF DownloadInequality Questions and Answers PDF Download

Inequality Questions and Answers PDF Download: Inequality Questions Available in PDF format. Day to day life a lot of competitive exams come up. Day by day aspirant’s involvement in competitive exams got increasing. Based on the increasing level of the competitors the difficulty level of the exam will also get increasing also the stages of the exam got increasing. So to compete with the competitor’s candidates should think a smart way of approaching the upcoming exams to crack the exams in a successful manner. For that everyone should plan for the upcoming exams before applying. It is nothing but gets a recent updated syllabus and exam pattern for the respective exams.

Inequality Questions and Answers PDF Download

For every competitive exam, there must be common sections. They are Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Knowledge. These sections are the most important for all the upcoming competitive exams. Among this Reasoning, abilities are the most important topic on the basis of scoring part. Compared to other sections candidates shall score well in the reasoning section because the reasoning section does not want the complicated calculation and the implementation of problem-solving techniques. It just wants some logic to solve the questions. Once you catch the logic it will be easy to solve the questions within a short duration of time. All it comes only by practicing with a lot of mock tests.

Inequality Reasoning Questions and Answers PDF Download

In the reasoning section, the entire competitive exam mostly having common topics. Among that one of the most important topics is inequality. Inequality is nothing but it compares the two things which one is smaller and which one is greater. It is in the symbol of <, >, >=, <=, =, Not equal to. These are the symbols that are used to compare the two numbers and to find which one is smaller and which one is bigger. Inequality questions reasoning play a vital role in competitive exams. It must have come with 3 to 5 marks. It is an easy topic compare to others. To score well in the reasoning section you must give importance to this type of topic. So it will boost up your marks in sectional wise as well as in overall.

Coded Inequality Questions and Answers PDF Download

So candidates should collect the inequality questions PDF to practice more and more to improve your skill in this topic to score good marks. Inequality questions reasoning are the one to boost your marks in a better way. Aspirants shall start your preparation with better guidance before your exams. Which means to give more preference for the most weight age topics which is easy to solve in the exams and score good marks?

Inequality Questions Reasoning:  Priority Symbol Explanation Priority
1 a<b a is smaller than b 1st Priority
2 a>b a is greater than b 1st Priority
3 a<=b a is smaller than or equal to b 2nd Priority
4 a>=b a is greater than or equal to b 2nd Priority
5 a = b a is equal to b 3rd Priority
6 a ≠ b a is either greater than or smaller than b 3rd Priority

Based on the syllabus and exam pattern aspirants should collect the materials like book, PDFs, E-Books, etc. All the materials should be of the best quality. Collect the previous year’s question papers. By comparing the previous year paper with the recent syllabus you can able to identify the most weight age topics in the syllabus. Then separate the topics and give first preference to the most weight age topics.

Types of Inequalities questions:

(i) Direct Inequality

(ii) Coded Inequality

Direct inequality is nothing but the symbols are directly given in the statement.

Coded Inequality is nothing but the coded symbols provided in the statement and they will give their signification to the inequality symbol.

Both kinds of questions can be solved easily once you have gone through the above tables.


In the following question, the symbols (*, $, #, % and @) are used with the following meanings as illustrated below:

  • ‘a%b’ means ‘a’ is greater than ‘b’.
  • ‘a$b’ means ‘a’ is either greater than or equal ‘b’.
  • ‘a@b’ means ‘a’ is equal to ‘b’.
  • ‘a*b’ means ‘a’ is either smaller than or equal to ‘b’.
  • ‘a#b’ means ‘a’ is smaller than ‘b’.

By these coded parameters they can give the statements and conclusions. We must compare the coded symbol with these parameters and should find out the exact answer. This is a somewhat complicated question compare to the direct inequality questions. From the table depends on the priority you should solve your questions in the exams. In the aspirant’s point of view here our EXAMPUNDIT team had provided the new pattern inequality questions PDF. It must be available as per the recent new exam syllabus and pattern. Inequality questions should be indirect or coded questions. So aspirants should prepare themselves by practice more questions and should solve the questions within a due course. So candidates kindly utilize this new pattern inequality questions PDF practice more and more to enhance your knowledge to score your marks in a better way.

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This post was last modified on December 3, 2020 2:25 pm