Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Bank Exams 2016-17 – 12 – Word Problems

Hello and welcome to exampundit . Here is a set of Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Upcoming Bank Exams in 2016-17.
1. ‘A’ can do a piece
of work in 72 days and ‘B’ can do the same work in 45 days. They work together
for 8 days and then ‘A’ left the job. In how many days ‘B’ will finish the
remaining work ?
1) 24 days
2) 28 days
3) 30 days
4) 32 days
5) 36 days
2. A man purchased
two cycles for Rs. 10000, He sold the first cycle at 18% profit and second
cycle at 10% loss. In the whole process he gained Rs. 36. What is the cost
price of two cycles ?
1) Rs. 3900, Rs. 6100
2) Rs. 3800, Rs. 6200
3) Rs. 3700, Rs. 6300
4) Rs. 3600, Rs. 6400
5) None of these
3. Population of a
city is 8 lakh. If the annual birth rate and death rates of the city are 6.3%
and 1.8% respectively then what will be the population of city after two years
1) 873620
2) 864860
3) 858640
4) 886410
5) 897580
4. Two men and 5 women
earn Rs. 4250 in 17 days. If 7 men and 8 women earn Rs. 6281 in 11 days then in
how many days 6 men and 9 women will earn Rs. 8928 ?
1) 12 days
2) 14 days
3) 16 days
4) 18 days
5) None of these
5. A train covered a
certain distance at uniform speed. If the train would have been 12 km/hr.
faster, it would have taken 15 hrs. less and if the train were slower by 12
km/hr. it would have taken 25 hours more. What is the length of the journey?
1) 2400 km.
2) 2700 km.
3) 3000 km.
4) 3200 km.
5) 3600 km.
Direction (Q. 6-10):
What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following
number series :
6. 6,        11,          32,          111,
464,        ?
1) 2165 2) 2205 3) 2285 4) 2345 5) 2375
7. 3,        14,          39,          84,
155,        ?
1) 236 2) 258 3) 264 4) 272 5) 278
8. 8,        12,          24,          60,
180,        ?
1) 480 2) 510 3) 630 4) 720 5) 780
9. 168,   171,        178,        191,
212,        ?
1) 243 2) 247 3) 251 4) 254 5) 257
10. 4,     7,            10,          11,
22,          19,          46,          ?

1) 33 2) 35 3) 37 4) 39 5) 41


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