Quant Quiz – Profit & Loss – 14

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Quantitative Aptitude Quiz on Profit & loss.


Q:1- A seller gains the cost of 50 dozen apples by selling 30 dozen of apples. Then the gain profit percent is:

  1. 33 1/3%
  2. 66 2/3%
  3. 50%
  4. 40%
  5. 43%

Option: 2


Given that, CP of 50 dozen of apples is equal to selling of 25 dozen of apples.

           Let the CP of 1 dozen of apple = Rs.1

   Therefore CP of 50 dozen apples   = Rs.50

      Given, SP of 30 dozen apples = Rs.50

                  SP of 1 dozen apples  =Rs.5/3

Profit of 1 dozen apples(SP-CP) = Rs.(5/3-1)

                                                       = Rs.2/3

 Then,                            profit % =/1×100)

                                                     = 6623%.



Q:2- A shopkeeper purchased 180 identical pieces of FMs at the rate of Rs.290 each. He spent an amount of Rs.2800 on transport and packing. He fixed the labelled price of each FM at Rs.360. However, he decided to give a discount of 6% on the labelled price. What is the percentage profit earned by him ?

  1. 9.1%
  2. 9.7%
  3. 10.7%
  4. 11.7%
  5. 12%

Option: 3


Cost price of each FM = Rs.[290+2800/180]

                                                     = Rs. 305.5

              SP of each FM            = Rs.(94100×360)

                                                  = Rs. 338.4

So,                           Profit %   = (32.9305.5×100)%

                                                 = 10.7%.



Q:3- Deepak bought a computer for Rs.59,245 and spent Rs.6,420 on its repairs. If he sells at Rs.61,425 then what will be his loss percentage ?

  1. 6.15%
  2. 6.25%
  3. 6.35%
  4. 6.45%
  5. 6.66%

Option: 4


Price of computer =Rs. 59,245

              Repairing price   = 6420

                                      CP = computer price + Repairing price

                                        = 59245 + 6420

                                  =  65,665

       Selling price    = 61,425

 Loss                       = CP – SP

                              = 65,665 – 61,425

                              = 4240

              Loss%   = ( 4240/65665 × 100)%

                          = 6.45%.


Q:4 Rohan bought 100 dozen of pens at 15 per dozen. He spent Rs.600 on a particular tax. He sold them at Rs.2 per each pens. What was his profit or loss percentage ?

  1. 13.28%
  2. 14.28%
  3. 12.28%
  4. 21.21%
  5. 24.24%

Option: 2


Total pens = 100 × 12

                                     = 1200

 Cost price of 1 dozen of pens = Rs.15

Cost price of 100 dozen of pens = Rs.100 × 15

                                                         = Rs.1500

             Amount of tax paid   = Rs.600

Therefore , the total CP = Rs.(1500 + 600)

                                         = Rs.2100

Selling price of pens = Rs.2 per each pens

                 Total SP   = Rs.(1200 × 2)

                                 = Rs.2400

                   Profit = Rs.(SP-CP)

                             = Rs.(2400-2100)

                           = Rs.300

           Profit% = (300/2100×100)%

                       = 14.28%.



Q:5- A article when sold with 10% rebate on the listed price gave a profit of Rs.85. What was its cost price ?

  1. Rs.485
  2. Rs.490
  3. Rs.540
  4. Cannot be determined.
  5. None of these

Option: 4

Explanation: Since the marked price is not given, so the cost price cannot be determined.


Q:6- If a commission of 10% is given on the written price of an article, the gain is 20%. If the commission is increased to 18%, the gain is :

  1. 913%
  2. 8.5%
  3. 10%
  4. 823%
  5. None of these

Option: 1


Let the marked be Rs.100.

                Then,        SP  = Rs.90 .

(given,gain = 20%), CP  = Rs.(100/120×90)      

                                  = Rs.75

 New commission = 18%

   Then, new commission = Rs.18 ; new SP = 82

                       New profit  = Rs.(82-75) = Rs.7  

                   New profit % = (7/75×100)%

                                           = 913 %.


Q:7- A shopkeeper sold a Fridge for Rs.19,902 with a discount of 7% and earned a profit of 24%. What would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered ?

  1. 30.22%
  2. 31.33%
  3. 33.34%
  4. 40%
  5. None of these.

Option: 3


Selling price = 19,902

              Let the marked price be Rs.x.

 Then,                93x/100  = 19,902

                                        X = Rs.(19902×100/93)      

                                          = Rs.21,400

                     Cost Price  = Rs(100/124×19902)

                                        = Rs.16050

 Now    C.P. = 16,050; S.P. = 21,400(no discount.)

                               Profit   = Rs.5350

     So, Required Profit % = (5350/16050×100)%

                                     = 33.34%.


Q:8- Deepak sells 33 article at Rs.550 per article after giving 12% discount and earned 25% profit. If the discount is not given, the profit gained is :

  1. 41½%
  2. 42 1/22%
  3. 43 1/33%
  4. 44%
  5. None of these.

Option: 2


S.P. of 1 article = Rs.550

Let marked price of each article be Rs.x

 Then,                    88x/100 = 550

                                    X = Rs.(550×100/88)

                                       = Rs.625

            Cost price  =  Rs.(100/125×550)


 Now, C.P.  = Rs.440 ;  S.P. = 625 (no discount)

          Required profit % = (185/440×100)%

                                        = 42 1/22%


Q:9- At what price should a shopkeeper mark a Watch that costs him Rs.1200 in order that he gave offer a discount of 16%  on the marked price and still make a profit of 33% ?

  1. 1700
  2. 1800
  3. 1900
  4. 2000
  5. None of these.

Option: 3


Cost price of Watch =Rs. 1200

          Selling price of watch =  133% of Rs.1200


                Let marked be Rs.x.

            Then,         84% of x = 1596

                                          X = 1596×100/84

              Marked price  = Rs.1900.


Q:10- A shopkeeper earns a profit of 14% on selling a chair at 8% discount on the printed price. The ratio of the cost price to the printed price of the chair is :

  1. 45 : 56
  2. 46 : 57
  3. 56 : 45
  4. 57 : 46
  5. None of these.

Option: 2


Let Cost Price be Rs.100.

Then,        Selling price   = Rs.114

         Let printed price be Rs.x.

Then,               92% of x = 114

                                     X = 114 × 100/92

                                   X =Rs.2850/23

So, required ratio  = 100 : 2850/23

                                = 2300 : 2850

                              = 46 : 57.



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