Pitch Report – IDBI Executive 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Many many many students asked us
for a brief preview of IDBI Executive Exam which will be held on 11th
of July. Now, we are extremely late and we are not proud of it. So lets get
Quantitative Aptitude: First
of all, those who are preparing for IBPS PO and SBI PO or even RBI Assistant,
they should just keep practicing as usual. Now, what to study? For Quantitative
Aptitude, Study Data Interpretation Moderate to Calculative Level. Not Clerical
level, More or less PO Level Dis you will need.
Data Interpretation based on
Import/Export, Production and Profit are very important.
For the arithmetic part, focus on
all chapters and make sure you are doing moderate to calculative level.
Also, Do Simplifications, Number
Series, Inequalities to be on the safe side.
English Language:

As the mentioned, This is a test
to see how well you ‘know’ English. Your English language ability would be
tested through questions on grammar, vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms,
antonyms, comprehension of a passage, etc.
So, you need to focus on Cloze
Test, Sentence Rearrangements, Sentence Improvements, Error Corrections and all
of the other chapters.
Focus on Grammar, it will be
crucial for this exam.
Vocabulary is also very
English should be expected
Moderate to Standard Level.
Reasoning: For reasoning
focus on Statement and Conclusions, Inequalities (Also, Coded), Seating
Arrangements, Puzzles, Direction, Blood Relation Tests, Coding and Decoding.
short, you need to focus on all the subjects of Reasoning. Expect the standard
to be Moderate to Standard level.
All the best. Share your reviews
with attempts on 11th July.


Team ExamPundit


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