NIACL Assistant 2018 – Prelims and Mains Statewise Cut-off

NIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims and Mains Statewise Cut-offNIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims and Mains Statewise Cut-off

Hello and welcome to exampundit. As you all know, NIACL Assistant 2018 Mains exam result was recently declared. So today we are sharing the NIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims and Mains Statewise Cut-off for General, SC, ST and OBC categories.

NIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims and Mains Statewise Cut-off

NIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims Cut-off – Statewise & Category wise

West Bengal had the highest cut-off in NIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims Exam.

State/UT SC ST OBC General
ANDHRA PRADESH 73.50 88.25
ASSAM 75.75 69.75 78.00 83.75
BIHAR 88.25
CHANDIGARH(UT) 76.00 77.50 87.75
CHHATTISGARH 74.25 67.25 86.75
DELHI 80.25 72.00 82.50 89.25
GOA 69.00
Gujarat 78.25 64.50 71.50 82.75
HARYANA 77.50 89.00
JAMMU & KASHMIR 75.50 65.25 86.50
JHARKHAND 76.50 88.00
KARNATAKA 71.75 70.00 75.75 81.25
KERALA 79.75 86.25 89.00
MADHYA PRADESH 77.25 59.25 86.75
MAHARASHTRA 79.00 56.50 78.00 82.50
ODISHA 79.00 69.00 86.50 88.00
PUNJAB 76.25 90.00
RAJASTHAN 82.00 73.00 84.00 88.75
TAMILNADU 75.75 61.25 84.50
TELANGANA 83.00 74.00 86.00
TRIPURA 53.00 85.75
UTTAR PRADESH 80.75 84.50 89.00
UTTARAKHAND 74.00 88.75
WEST BENGAL 83.00 64.50 82.25 91.00


NIACL Assistant 2018 Prelims Cut-off – Sectional


Category English Language Test of Reasoning Numerical Aptitude
SC, ST, OBC, PC,EXS & DISEXS AND DXS 11.00 11.00 13.50
GENERAL 14.75 16.25 17.75



NIACL Assistant 2018 Mains Cut-off – Statewise & Category wise

State/UT SC ST OBC General
ANDHRA PRADESH 127.20 169.38
ASSAM 130.31 123.75 146.57 156.26
BIHAR 169.38
CHANDIGARH(UT) 139.38 159.69 175.01
CHHATTISGARH 136.26 118.45 171.57
DELHI 144.70 124.07 155.64 171.87
GOA 141.88
Gujarat 156.25 117.51 148.76 164.38
HARYANA 135.62 174.38
HIMACHAL PRADESH 142.20 173.77
JAMMU & KASHMIR 145.00 121.88 173.13
JHARKHAND 138.45 170.01
KARNATAKA 130.94 132.83 149.38 160.33
KERALA 146.88 167.50 173.76
MADHYA PRADESH 136.25 121.25 170.94
MAHARASHTRA 153.12 113.44 155.00 164.39
ODISHA 138.76 120.01 163.13 169.69
PUNJAB 141.25 179.70
RAJASTHAN 154.38 139.08 161.58 176.25
TAMILNADU 141.88 129.69 164.38
TELANGANA 146.89 131.26 168.76
TRIPURA 115.94 172.83
UTTAR PRADESH 141.88 155.62 173.45
UTTARAKHAND 139.70 170.32
WEST BENGAL 148.45 118.44 150.95 172.51


Don’t forget to check out the Banking and Static Quiz from here: Banking Quiz | Static GK Quiz



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