NIACL AO Mains Study Plan 2019

NIACL AO Mains Study Plan 2019NIACL AO Mains Study Plan 2019

The NIACL AO Prelims results are just out. Gear up for mains with this detailed NIACL AO Mains study plan 2019.

NIACL AO Mains Study Plan 2019

NIACL AO 2018 Main | Study Plan | Preparation Strategy

Day Tasks Day Tasks
Day 1 NIACL AO Mock Test 1 + Analysis (FREE)


Descriptive English Free E-Book

Day 13 Mixture and Alligation
RC + Sentence Error
Number Series Alphanumeric Series General Awareness + NIACL AO Mock Test 5
Day 2 General Awareness Day 14 Blood Relation
Reading Comprehension General Awareness + Practice Descriptive English
Simplification Approximation Profit & Loss
Day 3 Order and Ranking Data Interpretation Day 15 Statement and Assumptions
General Awareness + Practice Descriptive English Direction Sense
Idioms and Phrases General Awareness+ Practice Descriptive English
Day 4 Inequality Day 16 General Awareness + NIACL AO Mock Test 6
General Awareness + NIACL AO Mock Test 2
Simple Interest | Compound Interest
Grammar Rules+ Practice Descriptive English One Word Substitution+ Practice Descriptive English
Day 5 Vocabulary building Day 17 Quadratic Equation
General Awareness General Awareness
Syllogism Reading Comprehension+ Practice Descriptive English
Day 6 Ratio & Proportion Day 18 General Awareness
General Awareness Seating Arrangement + Problem Solving
Cloze Test Tenses
Day 7 NIACL AO Mock Test 3 Day 19 NIACL AO Mock Test 7
Day 8 Permutation Combination | Probability Day 20 General Awareness+ Practice Descriptive English
General Awareness+ Practice Descriptive English Work, Time & Energy
Verbal Reasoning Change of Voice – Active/Passive+ Practice Descriptive English
Day 9 Machine Input Output Day 21 General Awareness
1 RC + Vocabulary Building Puzzles Odd One Out | Analogy
General Awareness+ Practice Descriptive English Sentence Improvement+ Practice Descriptive English
Day 10 NIACL AO Mock Test 4 Day 22
General Awareness + NIACL AO Mock Test 8
Average | Problems on Age Time & Distance | Problems on Boat, Stream | Train
General Awareness Statement and Conclusion Data Sufficiency
Day 11 Percentage | Partnership Day 23 Mensuration 2D|3D
Parajumbles+ Practice Descriptive English General Awareness+ Practice Descriptive English
Revise + General Awareness Synonyms, Antonyms, Misspelt words
Day 12 Coding Decoding Data Interpretation Day 24 Problems on Pipes & Cistern Data Interpretation
RC + Fillers Reading Comprehension+ Practice Descriptive English
General Awareness+ Practice Descriptive English General Awareness + NIACL AO Mock Test 9
Day 25: NIACL AO Mains Mock Test 10 + Light Revision + Relax


To help you prepare well, Oliveboard is providing NIACL AO Mains 10 mock tests at the discounted price. Follow the following steps to make the most of these Mock tests.

NIACL AO 2018 Main Exam mock tests

  1. Take theMock Test
  2. Analyze your performance
  3. Identify your weak areas
  4. Implement the feedback in your preparation
  5. Repeat step 1

That is all from us in this blog of NIACL AO Mains Study Plan. We hope this post helps you prepare better for the NIACL AO Mains Exam.