New Pattern English Quiz for IBPS PO, RBI Grade B Exam – Set 4

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Below are given five sentences. You have to read each of them carefully and find out the odd sentence among the given sentences and mark your answer accordingly.
1.(A) The wider US-China relationship has many diplomatic, strategic and military thorns, even though the two countries are tightly embraced in an economic relationship.
(B) China’s tremendous growth has been partly possible because of access to US markets for its exports, and US investments into manufacturing capacity in China.
(C) America has followed a “one China” policy and hence officially deals with Beijing, even though there are economic linkages with Taiwan.
(D) US President-elect Donald Trump appointed his son-in-law Jared Kushner as his senior advisor that would make him one of the most powerful individuals in the incoming White House.
(E) But Trump says he is not sure why US should follow the policy.
2. (A) According to a UN study, the world economy will transition to an innovation based in one decade.
(B) India has huge entrepreneurial talent and an edge in innovative solutions because of its population strength and cost advantage.
(C) In an innovation-deprived cycle, the problems of impoverished communities become chronic, and eventually deadlocked.
(D) Globally, the ILO reckons that the number of jobless people will increase by 3.4 million in 2017, in its report on World Employment and Social Outlook for 2017.
(E) Globally, a 70million entrepreneurs would be required, of which India should contribute 10 million, which is a long way from 10,000 that India have today.
3. (A) Through his speech he created a magical space, an epiphany on the power of the people and people in power.
(B) These releases and the public propaganda by Russian regime, the report suggests, undercut the campaign of the democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton.
(C) Being a talented speaker, he could combine many messages and performances to create a memorable moment.
(D) It was an eloquent moment enacted with a full sense of almost operatic power.
(E) A moment of departure is a moment of remembrance.
Read the given passage carefully and find out the probable central theme of the given passage.
4. The new school of political history that emerged in the 1960’s and 1970’s sought to go beyond the traditional focus of political historians on leaders and government institutions by examining directly the political practices of ordinary citizens. Like the old approach, however, this new approach excluded women. The very techniques these historians used to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth-century United States—quantitative analyses of election returns, for example—were useless in analyzing the political activities of women, who were denied the vote until 1920. By redefining “political activity,” historian Paula Baker has developed a political history that includes women. She concludes that among ordinary citizens, political activism by women in the nineteenth century prefigured trends in twentieth-century politics. Defining “politics” as “any action taken to affect the course of behavior of government or of the community,” Baker concludes that, while voting and holding office were restricted to men, women in the nineteenth century organized themselves into societies committed to social issues such as temperance and poverty. In other words, Baker contends, women activists were early practitioners of nonpartisan, issue-oriented politics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers, regardless of their party affiliation, on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one party or another won an election. In the twentieth century, more men drew closer to women’s ideas about politics and took up modes of issue-oriented politics that Baker sees women as having pioneered.
(A)  enumerate reason why both traditional scholarly methods and newer scholarly methods have limitations
(B)  identify a shortcoming in a scholarly approach and describe an alternative approach
(C)  provide empirical data to support a long-held scholarly assumption
(D)  compare two scholarly publications on the basis of their authors’ backgrounds
(E)  attempt to provide a partial answer to a long-standing scholarly dilemma
5. From a vantage point in space, an observer could see that the Earth is engaged in a variety of motions. First, there is its rotation on its own axis, causing the alternation of day and night. This rotation, however, is not altogether steady. Primarily because of the moon’s gravitational action, the Earth‘s axis wobbles like that of an ill-spun top. In this motion, called ‘precession’, the North and South Poles each traces out the base of a cone in space, completing a circle every 25,800 years, In addition, as the Sun and the Moon change their positions with respect to the Earth, their changing gravitational effects result in a slight ‘nodding’ of the earth’s axis, called ‘mutation’, which is superimposed on precession. The Earth completes one of these ‘nods’ every 18.6 years. The earth also, of course, revolves round the Sun, in a 6-million mile journey that takes 365.25 days. The shape of this orbit is an ellipse, but it is not the center of the Earth that follows the elliptical path. Earth and Moon behave like an asymmetrical dumb-bell, and it is the center of mass of this dumb-bell that traces the ellipse around the sun. The center of the Earth-Moon mass lies about 3000 miles away from the center of the Earth, and the Earth thus moves in an S-curve that crosses and re-crosses its orbital path. Then too, the Earth accompanies the sun in the sun’s movements: first, through its local star cloud, and second, in a great sweep around the hub of its galaxy, the Milky Way that takes 200 million years to complete.
(A)  The various types of the Earth’s motions
(B)  Past changes in the Earth’s position
(C)  The moon gravitational effect on the earth
(D)  Oddities of the Earth’s rotation of its axis.
(E)  none of these
6. As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA)  and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC)  to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.
(A)  describe an initiative and propose its continuance
(B)  chronicle a development and illustrate its inconsistencies
(C)  identify a trend and suggest its importance
(D)  summarize a process and question its significance
(E)  report a phenomenon and outline its probable future
7. In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation. Noble writes from a Marxist perspective, and his central argument is that management, in its decisions to automate, conspired against labor: the power that the skilled machinists wielded in the industry was intolerable to management. Noble fails to substantiate this claim, although his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling”—the use of technology to replace skilled labor—to the automation of the machine-tool industry. In automating, the industry moved to computer-based, digitized “numerical-control” (N/C)  technology, rather than to artisan-generated “record-playback” (R/P)  technology. Although both systems reduced reliance on skilled labor, Noble clearly prefers R/P, with its inherent acknowledgment of workers’ skills: unlike N/C, its programs were produced not by engineers at their computers, but by skilled machinists, who recorded their own movements to “teach” machines to duplicate those movements. However, Noble’s only evidence of conspiracy is that, although the two approaches were roughly equal in technical merit, management chose N/C. From this he concludes that automation is undertaken not because efficiency demands it or scientific advances allow it, but because it is a tool in the ceaseless war of capitalists against labor.
(A)  reexamining a political position and defending its validity
(B)  examining a management decision and defending its necessity
(C)  analyzing a scholarly study and pointing out a central weakness
(D)  explaining a trend in automation and warning about its dangers
(E)  chronicling the history of an industry and criticizing its development

8.Which of the following is farthest in meaning to Absquatulate?
(A) levant
(B) decamp
(C) bolt
(D) make off

9.Which of the following is farthest in meaning to Acerbic?
(A) vicious
(B) mordacious
(C) scathing
(D) bland
(E) pungent

10.Which of the following is most similar in meaning to Antediluvian?
(A) newfangled
(B) contemporaneous
(C) vernal
(D) primordial
(E) topical


  1. D
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. E
  9. D
  10. D


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:52 am