NABARD Development Assistant 2019: Section-wise Preparation Strategy

NABARD Development Assistant exam is conducted for selection into one of the Elite Institutes in India. Candidates eagerly wait for the opportunity to enter this high performing institute and now that the notification for the position of NABARD Development Assistant is out, it is high time to assess the preparation and give all it takes to get the opportunity to work with NABARD. The pattern for this exam is similar to many other bank exams but the content differs as there are some specific topics that are focussed on in this exam like Agricultural, rural development, banking, etc.  In this  post, we will share section-wise preparation tips for NABARD Development Assistant Exam. This post is brought to you by Oliveboard.

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Section-Wise NABARD Exam Preparation Strategy

  1. English language– Reading is a habit which is built over the years with continuous effort and it cannot be inherited in a single day but as someone said: “It is never too late to start if you wish to reach somewhere”. Do try to read the newspaper on a daily basis for the starters and analyze the news that you read. This will help you in summarising at a faster rate. Go through the previous year’s paper to understand the pattern of the question asked.
  2. Numerical ability– Start with the topics that haunt you. Prioritize with the ones that you face most trouble in. Practice and Practice different types of questions to get yourself acquainted with types of question. Refer to video lectures or offline books for more clarity on the topics.Mock tests, as usual, will be a highly suggested option.
  3. Reasoning Ability–This section will need you to be quick and responsive when it comes to solving it under a defined timeline. Types of questions here differ from other bank exams. Do prepare a plan of study for all the topics while keeping in mind to invest more time over the topics that create more fuss for you.
  4. General Awareness–GK will be highly specific to Agricultural, rural, development and banking. You can follow up on the General awareness of the last 6 months. Static GK can be prepared by going online and reading up free ebooks, video lectures, etc. Do pin on banking and finance-related updates in the past few months.
  5. Computer Knowledge– This section is specific to computer hardware, software, database management etc for the questions. You can refer to basic question asked in the past year papers to grasp an idea for the section and types of questions that you will encounter.

Apart from these sections, there is a Descriptive section that requires you to write an essay, letter, report or English descriptive notes. Prepare few good topics from recent times that focus on Banking, agricultural, finance and its impact on our economy. Reading all sorts of news update will also help you in gaining an understanding. Hope this helps. All the best!


This post was last modified on September 13, 2019 4:47 pm