Motivational Monday Episode 3 – NEVER QUIT

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is the Episode 3 of Motivational Monday for our Bank & SSC aspirants πŸ™‚

One day I was sitting,
When my result came out.
Crying, I was thinking about quitting.
My abilities; I doubt.
I looked down at the floor.
To me life seemed bore.
But then I saw an ant,
Who was trying to climb a plant.
I saw how it slipped again and again,
It tried hard and hard, but all in vain.
It over powered all the pain and tried once again,
Tried and tried till it changed all the losses into gains.
Rising up is a trait of strong,
Weak tend to give up.
Your future will always be bleak,
But never stop looking up.
Don’t give up because you can’t do something.
Don’t give up just because you couldn’t achieve it now.
You have it in you, just find the right way.
The time will come soon,
When in front of you, the world will bow.


For Episode 2 – click here


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:51 am