MISSION SSC CGL 2016 – 50 Days Plan

Hello and welcome to exampundit . According
to the earlier notification by SSC, CGLE 2016 was to be conducted in the month
of MAY. But we all know, it has been postponed to AUGUST. Many of us would have
completed the course, according to the previous exam date (MAY) .But as the
exam got postponed, some of us might have either slowed down the preparation or
totally halted it for a month or two. So, this post is just for all the SERIOUS
wala serious CGLE aspirants boost up and utilize the 2 months of June and July wholeheartedly.

and July should be well utilized to brush up again from the scratch if you have
lost the grip over the CGLE stuffs. And then, the few days of August can be
well utilized for practicing stressful mocks and at the same time being comfortable
with the newly introduced online pattern of CGLE 2016 (most probably).
we are going to relaunch the scheduled CGLE quiz within a few days .A weekly
schedule will be provided and quizzes will be given accordingly chapter wise. This
time, mathematics will also be included in the schedule. Because the CGLE mathematics
is a bit different from the banking ones and as we all know questions are
repeated, we can expect few repeated questions in the online mode too.
July have many important banking and insurance exams like the SBI clerical and
Po prelims and mains along with UIIC. But, at the same time CGLE cannot be
unseen. No one can assure, questions will always be of the same genre.
Moreover, to make our one seat fixed in this vast competition, preparing for
the worst will always make us successful. Because, for fetching the desired job
in CGLE requires scoring much more than the cutoff. And most importantly,
Knowledge gained never goes waste.
aspirants, the wonderful EPians, please feel free to share any suggestions,
improvements, or needs regarding the coming up SCHEDULED CGLE QUIZ 50 days
program in the comment section below.
makes a man perfect, but we should make sure practice in a smart manner makes
us the winner.
THE FORCE BE WITH US (coz am an aspirant too)
S Dixit

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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:56 am