Marketing Quiz – SBI Associates Clerk

1. Effective selling skills depend on
(a) effective lead generation
(b) sales call planning
(c) territory allocation
(d) effective communication skills
(e) All of the above
2. Cross selling is useful for canvassing
(a) current accounts
(b) fixed deposit accounts
(c) student loans
(d) car loans
(e) All of the above
3. Selling is
(a) different from marketing
(b) a sub-function of marketing
(c) same as marketing
(d) more than marketing
(e) None of the above
4. Good selling skills involve
(a) patience
(b) perseverance
(c) empathy
(d) knowledge
(e) All of the above
5. ‘Conversion’ in sales language mean
(a) converting a buyer into a seller
(b) converting a seller into a buyer
(c) converting a prospect into a client
(d) All of the above
(e) All of the above
6. The performance of a sales person can enhanced be
(a) increasing the sales incentives
(b) increasing the number of products to be sold
(c) appropriate training
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above
7. Closing the sales means
(a) close down marketing functions
(b) stop selling
(c) successful completion of a call
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the above
8. A god sales man should be
(a) aggressive
(b) pushy
(c) fierce
(d) polite but firm
(e) Talkative
9. Efficient marketing style requires
(a) proper planning
(b) good debating skills
(c) arrogant staff
(d) Knowledge of many languages
(e) ignorant customers
10. The most essential quality of a good sales person is
(a) questioning skills
(b) good appearance
(c) Production skills
(d) good communication skills
(e) Curiosity

11. Communication skills in the case of DSA means
(a) Giving lengthy speeches
(b) Sending good SMS messages
(c) being talkative
(d) ability to continue the customer with the right choice
of words
(e) Being multilingual
12. The process of branding covers
(a) giving on identify to a product
(b) designing a brand mark
(c) establishing the product
(d) popularizing the product
(e) All of the above
13. Which of the following confers the right to use of
technical invention?
(a) copy right
(b) Patent
(c) brand
(d) trade
(e) None of the above
14. Which of the following confers the right to use of
technical invention?
(a) copyright
(b) patent
(c) Brand
(d) Trade
(e) None of these
15. A _______ provides written information about the
(a) branding
(b) packaging
(c) label
(d) costing
(e) None of these

16. A brand can be helpful for the manufactures in
(a) leading to large selling
(b) reducing the price flexibility
(c) reducing the cost of distribution
(d) costing the selling process
(e) All of the above
17. Labeling is important for three reasons, first is
promotional and second is legal. What is the third reason?
(a) Informational
(b) Branding
(c) Strategic
(d) Marketing
(e) None of these
18. The type of sales forecasting include
(a) micro forecasting
(b) macro forecasting
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) minor forecasting
(e) major forecasting
19. The first stage in creating the sales forecasting if to
(a) market demand
(b) profit
(c) wealth
(d) prospect
(e) None of these
20. _______ translates the marketing plan into marketing
(a) Marketing management
(b) Accounting management
(c) Finance management
(d) sales management
(e) None of the above

Important For: SBI Associates Clerk

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