LIC AAO 2016 Cut-off Marks

LIC AAO 2016 Cut-off MarksLIC AAO 2016 Cut-off Marks

Hello and welcome to exampundit. We have been getting numerous requests to share LIC AAO 2016 Cut-off Marks. So, we have decided to share the LIC AAO 2016 Cut-off Marks.

LIC AAO 2016 Cut-off Marks

So, the followings are the sectional cut-off for each categories in LIC AAO 2016 Online Examination.

LIC AAO 2016 – Sectional Cut-off – Categorically

Subject General OBC,SC and ST
Reasoning Ability 31.25 19.25
General Awareness 10.25 6.00
Computer Knowledge 36.25 30.00
Quantitative Aptitude 33.00 21.75
English Language 9.50 6.00

LIC AAO 2016 Overall Cut-off

So, the followings are the LIC AAO 2016 Overall Cut-off of Online Examination.

General OBC SC ST
Total Weighted Score for Interview 255.75 250.50 233.00 203.50


LIC AAO 2016 – Interview Cut-off

So, after that, the cut-off marks for Final Selection in LIC AAO 2016 was the followings:

General OBC SC ST
306.00 290.75 276.00 246.00

So, these were the cut-offs. Now, if you want to check the official 2019 notification, simply click here.

Do let us know anything you want to share on facebook.



Team Exampundit

This post was last modified on March 2, 2019 11:36 pm