Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2018

Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2018Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2018

Hello and welcome to exampundit. With 7 days in hand for NIACL AO Prelims 2018 today we are sharing the last minute tips to ace NIACL AO Prelims 2018.


Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2018

  1. One of the most important thing in Prelims exam is proper management of time. Even though, this year there is sectional timings, but you have to make sure you carefully choose the questions to attempt. Don’t waste your time on one question.
  2. Puzzles, Data Interpretation and Word Problems will be key to success. Puzzles has always been a difficult yet high scoring part of reasoning. On the other hand, Word Problems and DI will be one of the most important part of NIACL AO Prelims. So, if you make sure you can solve these type of questions fast, you will have an advantage.
  3. Don’t guesswork English Grammar. English is extremely tricky at times especially when it comes to it’s grammar. So if you have doubt, just skip the question but don’t assume or guess.
  4. Accuracy matters the most. Without proper accuracy not even 100 attempt is safe. In order to have a safe attempt in NIACL AO Prelims 2018, you must be accurate with your attempts. Given that, 60 attempt with 100% accuracy is better than 90 attempt with 50% accuracy.
  5. Anything more than 65-67 is a safe attempt in NIACL AO Prelims exam. Yes. If you check 2016’s Prelims Cut-off Marks of NIACL AO, the cut-off was 65.50. However, this year, the vacancies are much more than last time. So, if you attempt 65+, it can be considered as a Safe Attempt.

That’s all guys! Give your best in NIACL AO Prelims 2018. May the force be with you.

We highly recommend that you take a Free Mock Test for NIACL AO

  • Free NIACL AO Prelims 2018 Mock Test by PracticeMock Click Here [Recommended by EP]

  • Free NIACL AO Prelims 2018 Mock Test by Oliveboard – Click Here



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This post was last modified on January 24, 2019 11:28 am