Last Minute Tips for IBPS CLERK MAINS 2018

Last Minute Tips for IBPS CLERK MAINS 2018Last Minute Tips for IBPS CLERK MAINS 2018

Hello and welcome to exampundit. IBPS Clerk Mains 2018 will take place on 20 January, 2019. So, we decided to give you Last Minute Tips for IBPS Clerk Mains 2018.

So, lets get started.

Last Minute Tips for IBPS CLERK MAINS 2018

Focus on Reasoning

While, other subjects are equally important for any mains exam, Reasoning ranks higher among them. Puzzles are the most important part of Reasoning. So, you need to make sure that you have speed in Puzzle.

English is Important

English might have some new pattern or twisted type of questions which may confuse you. The key here is to read the directions minutely before answering. A lot of aspirants make mistake or spend too much time just because they get confused.

Sectional Timing is the Key

Earlier, aspirants had to distribute time to each section according to them. But now things have changed. With sectional timing introduced in IBPS Exams, you now have fixed time for each section. So, you need to focus on each test separately on how you are spending time.

If you are not planning or planned anything, plan it now.

Accuracy is the Key

It is, was or never about how many questions you have attempted. The key to success is answering the correct ones. Guess work is not at all recommended for Mains exam. So, you have to make sure that you are keeping up with the accuracy.

Be positive

It is quite difficult to be positive in this field. But guess what? You have to be positive if you want to succeed. The fact is that, you will be appearing for MAINS EXAM. Which means you competed with lakhs of aspirants in Prelims to get here. So, you have all the right to be positive and remain calm.

If you can crack prelims, you can crack mains as well.

So, these were the Last Minute Tips for IBPS CLERK MAINS 2018. We hope these were helpful.



Don’t forget to download the Last 5 Months Banking Questions PDF.


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All the best!

May the force be with you!


Team Exampundit