Its Not Over, Until You Say Its Over!

Hello and welcome to ExamPunditYesterday we saw many of our beloved aspirants getting their
dream job(s). It was a moment to cherish. On the other side, there were plenty
who could not clear. Who came close, did everything but could not clear.

What to do now? How to recover from the blow?
Most importantly, Giving Up totally depends on you. Nobody, no
article, no book can help you to start again if you are not willing to.
Its Not Over, Until You Say Its over!!
You have to decide one thing. Do you want it(your dream job)?
If yes, no matter who says what, you have to fight back!! If no, always
remember, there will be many situations in life harder than this. What will you
do then? Give up?
When it comes to competitive exams, it is more like sports.
Its either win or lose. You could not clear TODAY. If you don’t give up, you
will clear tomorrow.
Its always easy to give up, it is easy to stop chasing but
the most difficult thing in the entire world is NOT GIVING UP.
This post will not have motivating lines, copy-pasted
stories from other sites. This article do no need Wow, Crying, Awesome
expression from the aspirants who are reading.
This article needs a few promises.
One – You will believe in yourself. YOU ARE NOT A LOSER, YOU
Two – You will not Give Up!!
Three – You will rearrange yourself and comeback better,
harder and the best!
There will be SBI PO, Clerk(mostly), Insurance Exams and
IBPS itself in the coming months. So why waste your time over this? Why think
about yesterday? Think about the marks, analyze them, see what went wrong. Find
your weakness, turn it into your strength!!
Keep calm, your day will come!!
All the best!!


Team ExamPundit


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am