Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is an Interview Experience Shared by Nisha of IBPS RRB Officer Scale I.
Date : 18/11/2015
Place : Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank, Gandhinagar
Panel : I
Reporting time : 1 pm
We reached the venue by 12:55 pm, there was no place to sit inside the bank campus, and they kept us waiting outside for 1.5 hours! I was feeling like what kind of venue they have chosen to conduct IBPS RRB interviews!!
Everything started at 2:30 for all of us after the panel members had their lunch.
My number was 14th in the list. One person was handling the candidates to get their biometric, language proficiency, document verification and interviews done.
For language proficiency, one sir asked me to write something in Gujarati(language I had choosen), I asked him for the topic, he replied, “Write on anything!”
I was wondering for 3-4 minutes what should I write there instantly, I used to write in Gujarati during my school days Finally managed to write something.
After that they called for document verification which was a smooth process, that Ma’am asked me something about my final year project seeing my grades in my marksheet, I answered her after realizing that I should tell at least one line about my project! She was convinced (I did not expect her to ask me any kind of question, so was surprised for a few seconds).
Finally, my interview turn came at 5 pm, let me tell you one thing, my interview lasted for only 6-8 minutes, probably the shortest duration among all other candidates!
There were five members, four males and one female, I will call them M1, M2, M3, M4 and F1.

first greeted the Ma’am sitting at the left most and then all the sirs. M1 (in Gujarati) – Okay Nisha, tell us about your family background, education, job, hobbies, etc.
(I was surprised as he straight away started in Gujarati, so asked him if I should answer in Gujarati or English! He questioned me back, why you don’t know Gujarati? I replied that I know Gujarati, in the middle, M3 again asked something related to language and little conversation happened on that) One more thing someone asked in middle, “if you know all three languages then why have you mentioned only Gujarati in the application”.
I answered them that I was unaware that we can mention all the banks in preference list for all the languages we know!
Me – gave my intro in Gujarati,
M1 was convinced.
M3 – Asked something about the paragraph I had written, I cleared his doubts. He then said to M1, her handwriting is very neat and good in Gujarati. He then asked about my father’s profession.
Me – answered.
M2 – how many years of service is remaining for him?
Me – answered.
M1 – He again asked me about my graduation and what I am doing now? Also asked me somewhere in the middle as where do I stay in Ahmedabad.
Me – replied in Gujarati again and told that I am working in an IT firm as a software engineer.
M1 and M3 together – Software engineer?
Me – I could make out from their expressions that they were surprised, so told them that I was selected in campus recruitment and there were no EC companies coming that time to recruit us!
M1 and M3 and M2 were happy and told me that they appreciate me for that and congratulated me saying, “It is good that you are so diversified….”
I said to all, “Thank you sirs.”
Then came the banking questions, started by M3.
M3 – “preparation kabse kar rahe ho? And IBPS ki kitni exams di hain?”
Me – answered and I also told that I have RRB OA interview next week at the same place, they all were wondering and said ki paper toh fut jaega! I told that it will some different day and MAY BE different panel with a smile.
M3 – asked me about Priority Sector Lending
Me – I fumbled here but managed to answer something and then said sorry that I knew only this much.
M4 – Difference between cheque and draft (very basic question)
I again fumbled and got nervous that I was not able to explain them L but still answered
something and then some cross-questions which again I answered incorrectly.
something and then some cross-questions which again I answered incorrectly.
M4 then passed to the other people to ask questions.
M1 asked F1 to ask something.
F1 – My only question is, “If you get selected in both RRB PO and RRB OA, which will you join?”
Me – answered positively, convinced her in one or two cross questions.
M1 then said, “Good Luck”
I realized that that was all, and everyone then turn by turn wished me good luck, I said thank you to each, again to Ma’am first and then sirs.
I came out and was wondering what happened to me during the banking questions!!!
No questions asked from Electronics and Communication!
That’s all, I know they were impressed at some points, only the baking questions made my day tough! Anyway, this was the first interview for a govt job in my life, and only the second one of my life. First was for the company where I am working currently.
Please do share your views and let me know if I can be of any help in any way.
Thank you, wish you all the best!
Nisha Gautam
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This post was last modified on June 10, 2019 7:43 pm