Important Points to Remember for LIC AAO Prelims 2019

Important Points to Remember for LIC AAO Prelims 2019Important Points to Remember for LIC AAO Prelims 2019

Hello and welcome to exampundit. So, today we will be sharing the Important Points to Remember for LIC AAO Prelims 2019. These will include exam pattern, cut-off and other things for LIC AAO Prelims 2019.

Important Points to Remember for LIC AAO Prelims 2019

Exam Pattern of LIC AAO Prelims 2019

So, the following is the exam pattern of LIC AAO 2019. There will be sectional timings for each tests. Also, the total marks of the exam will be 70. Because English will not be counted.

Test Questions Marks Time
English Language 30 30 20 Mins
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 Mins
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Mins
Total 100 70 60 Mins


Minimum Qualifying Marks in LIC AAO 2019 Prelims

Unlike other exams, LIC AAO Prelims will have a Minimum Qualification Marks criteria. However, English does have Minimum Qualifying marks but the marks won’t be counted.

Subject SC/ST Others
Reasoning  16  18
Quantitative Aptitude  16  18
English Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension  9  10


No Negative Markings in LIC AAO 2019

As mentioned in the Information Handout,

There will be no penalty for wrong answers marked by you. However, you are advised not to mark your answers by random guessing.

So, you do not have to worry about any negative markings in your score. However, the cut-off may go up as aspirants may answer by random guessing. You can check also check out the previous year cut-off from here.


Oliveboard is providing a Free Mock Test for LIC AAO 2019 – CLICK HERE TO TAKE.


Also, do not forget to download the Detailed Insurance Awareness PDF for LIC AAO 2019.


So, these were the important points for LIC AAO Prelims 2019.

All the best!


Team Exampundit