Important Expected topics for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2017

RBI Grade B Prelims
2017 exam is scheduled to be held on 17.06.2017 in different slots. Only a
couple of days are left for the judgement day now. At this stage, it is very
important to analyse previous year’s question paper as it would give us an idea
about what types of question can be asked from various topics in this exam.
It’s true that the pattern of bank exams has become very dynamic, however,  a resemblance to an extent to the previous year
pattern cannot be completely discarded.
Considering it, we
are sharing some important topics for Prelims exam of RBI Grade B 2017 based on previous year’s question paper to make you
familiar with the actual pattern of exam and likely topics that may be asked.
We will analyse each
topic briefly that was asked in various sections in the previous year exam.
The total number of
questions asked from this topic in the previous year examination was 30. The
detailed breakdown of the section is as follows:
Total Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension
10 (2 sets)
Fill in the Blanks
Para Completion
Cloze Test
Spotting Errors
Keeping in view the
above pattern of the previous year exam, we can devise a flexible strategy for
the upcoming exam.
1. Reading Comprehension comprised of total
10 questions (2 sets of 5 questions each) which were not literal rather they
required a thorough understanding of the passage. These types of questions are
generally based on inference and consume precious time during the exam unless
you are an expert at comprehension. Hence, it is always prudent to only attempt
vocabulary section at first and leave the questions based on passage to be
solved later, if time permits.
2. Para completion was a fairly new
topic and consisted of three questions. It is highly probable that this type of
questions can also be asked this time also. To solve these questions one must
be good at understanding the theme of the passage to easily eliminate
irrelevant options. An ability to detect the tone and having an eye for
pointing out transitional words and connectors can help in solving these types
of questions.
3. Double Fillers are one of the
easiest topics of the English section. A total number of 5 questions were asked
from this topic. Double fillers are frequently asked in most of the bank
examinations. Generally, the second filler among the two fillers of the
question is easier to eliminate from the given options. The same rule applies
even in the latest pattern of double fillers where two statements with a blank
in each are given.
4. Cloze Test consisted of 7
questions. The number of questions may vary from 5-10 this year. Attempting
cloze test in a one go is never recommended. You should at least read the
passage twice before attempting and try to guess the options without looking at
them. It increases the accuracy and also saves you from being penalized for
wrong answers.
Reasoning Ability
A total number of 60
questions were asked from this section. Most of the questions were difficult
and required crystal clear understanding of these topics.
Total Number of Questions
Strengthening and Weakening of Arguments, Questions
based on inference, conclusion and course of action
Blood Relation
Let’s do a brief
analysis of these topics keeping in view the previous year’s question paper:-
1. Seating Arrangement consisted of 10
questions and was moderate to difficult. Questions based on both circular and
linear arrangement were asked in the exam.
2. Coding – Decoding consisted of 5
questions. Nowadays, a new pattern has been introduced in these types of
questions. You should always leave such questions to be attempted at the last
as it becomes very difficult to decipher newly introduced coding-deconding
given the time constraint during the exam.
2. Verbal / Logical
, involving questions from Assertion, Argument,
Inferences, Conclusion, Cause of Action etc based questions were the most
difficult ones and consisted of 13 questions. It is highly probable that these
types of questions will be asked in the examination considering the trend of
banking examinations. They can only be mastered after considerable practice and
a good understanding of the English Language.
3. Blood Relation and
were easy and conventional and consisted of 3 and 5
questions, respectively. These questions should be attempted first as they are
less time consuming and can be solved with high accuracy. A few questions from
these topics can also be expected this year.
4. Input Output consisted of 5
questions and were difficult. The questions based on this topic can also be
expected this year as well. These questions are time consuming, but a smarter
approach can help in saving the precious time. Different types of questions
like patterns based on shifting, arrangement, mathematical operation and other
miscellaneous patterns can be solved by different approaches.
5. Syllogism consisted of 7
questions. In these type of questions two or three statements are given,
followed by a number of conclusions.  You
have to find which conclusion logically follows the given statements. But
recently a new pattern has been introduced in which some statements are given
and one has to decide from which statement the given conclusion can be derived.
To solve the questions based on new pattern of syllogism one should have a
thorough knowledge of Venn diagrams.
Following questions
were asked from this section:-
Total number of questions
Data Interpretation
10 (2 sets)
Data Sufficiency
Number Series
Mensuration, Profit and Loss, Time and Work,
Partnership, Mixtures, Percentage, Simple Interest, Age, Time, Speed and
Distance, Boat & Stream
1. A total number of
10 questions were asked from Data Interpretation consisting of one
set based on pie chart and another on tabular form. The questions from this topic
are asked in all banking examinations without a fail. This makes this topic one
of the most important in quantitative aptitude. Faster calculation ability can
be achieved by practicing the “percentage to fraction & fraction to
percentage” concept which can drastically reduce your time in solving these
2. Data Sufficiency consisted of 5
questions and questions from this topic are also expected this year. Since,
these types of questions only require to find out whether the statements
provided in the question are sufficient to answer a given problem,  one should try to eliminate wrong options.
3. Number Series consisted of 5
questions. One should practice various types of questions based on number
series. It helps in quickly recognizing the pattern of series during the exam.
Try to solve those questions whose pattern seem familiar. Attempting a newly
introduced pattern in number series can be very time consuming. Hence, don’t
get stuck on a question.
4. There were 10
questions based on Miscellaneous topics. All
these topics should be thoroughly practiced. Most of the questions based on
these topics can be solved through unitary method and application of
percentage. This topic involved questions from Age based problems, Profit and
Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Speed, Time and Distance,
Mixture and Alligations, Boats and Streams, Probability etc.
The breakdown of this
section is given as below:-
Total number of questions
Current Affairs
Static G.K
Banking Awareness
1. Around 24
questions were asked from day to day events. A regular reading of current
affairs magazine and a newspaper can help you obtain high marks.
2. Static general
knowledge consisted of around 27 questions. A standard book on static general
knowledge is sufficient to score fairly in this segment.
3. Banking awareness
consisted of 29 questions. You make expect similar number of questions this
time too as the General Awareness section is especially focused on banking
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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:52 am