IBPS/SBI Specialist IT Officer 2016-2017 – Professional Knowledge Quiz – Set 4

Hello and welcome to exampundit . Here is the first Set of IBPS/SBI Specialist IT Officer Professional Knowledge Quiz.

1. You need to configure a switch from a remote subnet. Which of the following must be configured on the switch?
1) Console port
2) IP
3) Hostname
5) Default gateway
2. Which of the following is the easiest software development process model?
1) Waterfall model
2) Prototyping
3) Interactive enhancement
4) Spiral model
5) None of these
3. To avoid race condition, the maximum number of processes that may simultaneously be inside the critical section is
1) Zero
2) One
3) Two
4) More than two
5) None of these
4. The extent to which the software can continue to operate correctly despite the introduction of invalid input is called
1) Reliability
2) Robustness
3) Fault tolerance
4) Portability
5) None of these
5. When more than one attribute of a table is related with many attributes of one or more other tables, such a relationship is known as
1) One-to-one
2) Many-to-many
3) Many-to-one
4) One-to-many
5) None of these
6. Which of the following is hierarchical database implementation?
1) Table
2) Array
3) List
4) Tree
5) None of these
7. Which of the following actions can be performed from the Drop Table in Database?
1) To delete the records from a table
2) To delete a table with record
3) To delete a particular column from the table
4) To delete a blank table from the database
5) None of these
8. When a sub-class is inherited from a super class, which is itself inherited from a super class, such inheritance is known as
1) Single inheritance
2) Multiple inheritance
3) Hierarchical inheritance
4) Multilevel inheritance
5) None of these
9. The first AI programming language was called
3) IPL
5) None of these
10. Data security threats include
1) Hardware failure
2) Privacy invasion
3) Fraudulent manipulation of data
4) Software failure
5) All of the above

  1. IBPS/SBI Specialist IT Officer 2016-2017 – Professional Knowledge Quiz – Set 1
  2. IBPS/SBI Specialist IT Officer 2016-2017 – Professional Knowledge Quiz – Set 2
  3. IBPS/SBI Specialist IT Officer 2016-2017 – Professional Knowledge Quiz – Set 3


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:55 am