IBPS Clerk Prelims Last Minute Tips 2019

IBPS Clerk Prelims Last Minute TipsIBPS Clerk Prelims Last Minute Tips

IBPS Clerk Prelims Last Minute Tips 2019: Dear Readers, IBPS has scheduled Clerk prelims examination on December 7th and 8th. We hope at this time aspirants are vigorously prepared for the IBPS Clerk prelims examination. Few days left for the IBPS Clerk prelims exam 2019, so right now aspirants can follow some last minute tips to groom their preparation. Here we have provided some IBPS Clerk prelims last minute tips for aspirant’s reference. Candidates can go through the tips and do follow the tips to score more marks in IBPS clerk prelims exam 2019.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Last Minute Tips 2019

First candidates try to understand about IBPS Clerk prelims exam pattern. Based on the pattern, aspirants have to know number of questions for each section. According to that candidates have to select the questions wisely to answer. The reason is for wrong answered question 1/4th of the marks will be deducted from total score. So candidates have to answer the question accurately. During the examination, time plays crucial role, the questions which can be accurately solved with in less timing are to be choose by the candidates. Along with over all tips, we also have provided section wise last minute tips for aspirant’s preparation.

English Language – Last Minute Tips:

In English language section, 30 questions will be asked for 30 marks each question will carry one mark. The time allot for answer English language section question will be 20 minutes. So aspirants have to give maximum number of accurate answers in 20 minutes.

  1. The given time is enough for answer English language questions, so aspirants try to avoid continuous skip the questions.
  2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions from passage accurately.
  3. Try to read the English newspaper and improve your vocabulary
  4. Try to cover all the topics in the syllabus

Quantitative Aptitude – Last Minute Tips:

In Quantitative aptitude section, 35 questions will ask for 35 marks, the time given for answer the questions is 20 minutes. To answer the questions within time duration means aspirants have to follow some tips and shortcut methods. For Quantitative aptitude section, time management is the key for scoring more marks in this section.

  1. Select your stronger topic initially and start answering it.
  2. Avoid guessing to choose the answer instead of solve the questions
  3. Try to follow shortcuts and tricks to find the answer.
  4. The given time is not enough to answer all the questions, so aspirants have to manage time to attempt all the questions in this section.

Reasoning Ability – Last Minute Tips:

In reasoning ability section also has 35 questions for 35 marks. The time given for answer the questions is 20 minutes. For reasoning questions, candidates try to grab the given logics in the questions, use the logics aspirants try to find the answer.

  1. Try to manage time while read the questions.
  2. If you are not getting the answer, then move on to next question. Don’t spend more time in single question.
  3. Avoid the question which is not sure for you
  4. Prepare on all topics avoid missing of any topic
  5. Go through the prepared topics once again before the examinations.

We hope the given IBPS Clerk prelims last minute will helpful for candidate’s preparation. Aspirants try to follow the tricks and tips to manage time and get high score in IBPS Clerk prelims examination 2019.

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