IBPS Clerk 2014 – 21 Dec – Morning Shift – Analysis

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a brief analysis of today’s IBPS Clerk Morning
Shift Examination.
IBPS Clerk 2014 - 21 Dec - Morning Shift - AnalysisIBPS Clerk 2014 - 21 Dec - Morning Shift - Analysis

Reasoning Ability: As per most of the students Reasoning was
neither very easy nor very tough. Few said the Seating Arrangement was wrong
and some said a few questions had wrong data. However, we simply can’t give
clarification about that. All over reasoning was little higher standard than
previous exams.
Quantitative Aptitude: A lot of student have said the Quantitative
Aptitude was tough to very tough. 7/10 found maths to be tougher than the
previous exams. Quantitative Aptitude was “tricky” “too lengthy” “confusing”
according to most. A very few said it was easy. Data Interpretation was the
toughest according to many.
English Language: English
was neither easy nor tough. Overall English was moderate as a result it
consumed a good amount of time. Mainly Comprehension was bit confusing and
tough, as said by the candidates. However, grammar was comparatively easy. More
or less English was moderate.
General Awareness: General Awareness received a mixed response
although majority found it to be tougher than the previous. However, there were
a few repeated question with some out of the world level questions. Banking
Awareness was comparatively easier than other questions, said by some student.
Computer Knowledge: Computer has so far been easiest and today
was no exception. Except a few sad faces almost everyone felt comfortable with
computer knowledge. It contained basic questions which were easily answered.
Overall the
examination was tougher than the previous exams. And This week has been moderately
tougher than other weeks.

Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am