IBPS Clerk 2014 – 20 Dec – Morning Shift – Analysis

and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a brief analysis of today’s
IBPS Clerk Morning Shift Examination reviewed on the basis of candidate
IBPS Clerk 2014 - 20 Dec - Morning Shift - AnalysisIBPS Clerk 2014 - 20 Dec - Morning Shift - Analysis

Reasoning was neither tough nor very easy. It was not very tough to attempt as
a lot of candidates attempted on average of 28-38. Syllogisms were easy. Although
the sitting arrangement was easy according to some but most of the students
said it was “tough” as it was a parallel sitting arrangement.

Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative aptitude was moderately tougher than earlier exams. Many of the
students have said that the Data Interpretation was very time consuming and
some of the said it was tough. However, some students said that the
time-management skills did not came so handy as it was very lengthy.

English – English was moderately tough according
to many, however a good number of students said it was easy. Especially
students having good grip and background in English found it easy. Otherwise
English was moderately good.

Computer Knowledge
Computer knowledge was very easy. It had very basic full forms and operational
questions. Also it had some questions of devices.

General Awareness
GA was easy for most of the candidates. GA had a lot of current affairs and
social events which occurred in the past few months. Some of the questions were
predictable such as Census, Dates and Capital & Currency.

Overall, it was easy to moderate. Most of the students were happy after the

Overall attempts had mixed response which varying from 111-158.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am