IBPS Clerk 2014 – 20 Dec – Evening Shift – Analysis

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here
is a brief analysis of today’s IBPS Clerk Evening Shift Examination reviewed on
the basis of candidate reviews.
IBPS Clerk 2014 - 20 Dec - Evening Shift - AnalysisIBPS Clerk 2014 - 20 Dec - Evening Shift - Analysis

Reasoning – According to most of the candidates reasoning was
moderate. Some of the students found the Sitting Arrangement question was very
confusing. Those who had sufficient practice found it normal. The sitting
arrangement was a box sitting arrangement with in and out. Puzzles were also
said to be tough. 6/10 said reasoning was moderately tough than previous exams.

– Quantitative Aptitude was moderate. 3/10 found Data
Interpretation easy otherwise most of the students faced difficulties solving
the DI as it was reportedly, Lengthy and Very calculative. However, a few
candidates said that some of the questions had invalid data which is why
answers were coming. Overall QA was not easy neither very tough rather it was
time consuming and very calculative.

English – English was reported IBPS Clerk Standard. Which
indicates it was as it should be. Many said English was moderate comparing to
other days of IBPS Clerk. Comprehension was about motivational article on
Martin Luther King Jr. which was “tough” according to many. Cloze test was on
Bank Servers.  English was more or less

Computer Knowledge – Computer knowledge was very easy. It contained very
basic computer questions which were answerable by most aspirants. It had very
basic operation questions and full-forms which were easy. Computer Knowledge so
far has been easy every day.

General Awareness – GA reportedly was tougher than other days of the
examination. It contained a lot of tricky and uncommon questions. Many said it
was hard comparing to the previous days. Mainly questions related to Economic
Affairs were tricky and confusing. Also some of the questions were totally new.

Overall, Mostly it was moderately tough than other days. Candidates confusing,
tricky and time consuming. 

Overall attempts had mixed response which varying from 121-165.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am