IBPS Clerk 2014 – 14 Dec – Evening Shift – Analysis

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a brief analysis of today’s IBPS Clerk Evening Shift Examination reviewed on the basis of candidate reviews.
IBPS Clerk 2014 - 14 Dec - Evening Shift - AnalysisIBPS Clerk 2014 - 14 Dec - Evening Shift - Analysis

Reasoning – Reasoning was easy according to most of the students. Though some reported the puzzled to be pretty much confusing. However, mostly it was very easy and very much scoring.

Quantitative Aptitude – Quantitative Aptitude had mixed response as 75% said it was easy and 25% found it tough. However, Data Interpretation was reportedly very easy. On the other hand, few students reported it to be almost PO level. 

English Language – English was very easy according to almost every students. Few of them said it was “tricky”. Comprehension was easy. Cloze test was reportedly bit tough for few students. More or less most of them found it easy.

General Awareness – GA consisted mostly current affairs and few banking awareness questions. Most of the questions came from the recent economical / political and national events occurred during September to November.

Click Here for the GA Questions >>

Computer Knowledge Computer was very easy. Till now nobody said it was tough. It consisted very common full forms and basic operational questions. However, some of the questions were little confusing as stated by a few.

All over students were very very happy after the exam. The reported average attempt varied from 120-170 with a range of 60-90% accuracy.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am