How to Prepare for SBI Clerk 2016 with FREE MOCK TEST

Hello and welcome to ExamPunditSo, here we go, the most awaited
article from exampundit in the recent times.

How to prepare for SBI Junior
Associates(Clerk) 2016? What to study for the SBI Junior Associates(Clerk) 2016
prelims exam?
Everything will be answered in
this article.
So, Lets! Get!! Started!!!
Firstly, How much should you be studying for SBI Junior
Associates(Clerk) 2016 Preliminary Exam?
Honestly, if you are dedicated
and focused, your 3 hours a day will be more than sufficient. If you are
working somewhere and cannot study in the morning, then don’t pressurize
yourself. Study at night, studying during any break, but remember to study with
full focus and dedication.
There is no minimum or maximum
numbers of Mocks you must give to qualify. You just have to have confidence.
You can give one mock test per
day or 2 a week, but as said previously, when you are giving, be dedicated.
What to study for SBI Junior Associates(Clerk) 2016 Preliminary
Now, the most important thing
about the prelims is that it tests your time management skills. Its all about
solving the 100 questions in 60 minutes or less.
1. Reasoning – The reasoning
test will have 35 questions carrying 35 marks and it is expected to be easy to
moderate level. Prepare seating arrangements and puzzles a lot. The puzzles can
consume a lot of time and can be tricky. So make sure you have prepared it to
solve as fast as possible. On the other basic to moderate syllogisms are
expected. But no matter what, time management will be very crucial. Blood
relations, direction tests, input-output(may be), coding-decoding are very
important for the prelims exam.
2. Quantitative Aptitude –
Quantitative Aptitude most likely to be moderate to standard level. The
questions can be tricky. Lengthy questions are not expected in large amount but
you should always prepare for it. Data Interpretation based on Table, Graph are
very important. It can take a lot of time if you are not good in calculations.
The series based questions, simplifications are expected to be of normal level.
However, if you take too much time for any question, it will definitely create
3. English – English is
expected to moderate to standard level. Reading Comprehension will decide a lot
in the English section. So make sure you are practicing reading. On the other
hand, grammar will play a crucial role as it can confuse you to a great extent.
We already shared how to improve your grammar, and will share another article
on vocabulary.
Your time management strategy
will boost your confidence as well as your marks.
From where to prepare?
The mock tests will definitely
provide you how much you have improvised and how much you need to for the
upcoming exam.


Team ExamPundit


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am