How to Prepare for RRB NTPC Exam

How to Prepare for RRB NTPC ExamHow to Prepare for RRB NTPC Exam

Every year Railway Recruitment Board RRB conducts RRB NTPC recruitment exam to fill the posts of Non-Technical, Para Medical Staff, Ministerial & Isolated Categories and Level 1( RRC-01). You can apply for the exam through the official website of the RRB.

But to crack this highly competitive exam, you need to prepare by following the well-structured study plan and right preparation strategies.

It is important to get well-versed with the exam pattern and the complete syllabus of the exam before commencing your preparation for the RRB NTPC recruitment exam.

An organized study plan covering the complete syllabus and the important topics of the exams can help you in fetching the marks in the exam. So, to give you an edge over the preparation of RRB NTPC, we are sharing the complete overview of the preparation.


Preparation of RRB NTPC Exam

RRB NTPC exam is a great opportunity for the candidates who are looking to enter the railway sector. The recruitment exam is conducted for the candidates of different State/UTs.

As per the official notification of RRB NTPC, the application process will commence from 28th February 2019 for Non-Technical Posts, 4th March for Para Medical Posts, 8th March for Ministerial & Isolated posts and 12th March for Level 1 posts.

Further, as per the official notification, in order to crack the RRB NTPC recruitment exam, you need to appear for different stages of the exam. The complete selection process for RRB NTPC is as:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Skill Test ( Typing Test)
  • Aptitude Test
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Fitness Test

The first and foremost stage is the Preliminary Test, you need to clear the stage in order to appear for next level stages.

Prelims Exam Pattern

The Prelims examination is conducted in the English, Hindi, Urdu and Regional Languages. The time duration to complete the examination will be 90 minutes and the total number of questions is 100. The subjects you need to appear for are:

  1. General Awareness
  2. Arithmetic
  3. General Intelligence and Reasoning

After getting acquainted with the selection process and exam pattern of the RRB NTPC, it is also essential to know the complete syllabus of the exam. So, let us take a look at the syllabus of RRB NTPC exam given below.

General Awareness Arithmetic General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • Indian Polity
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Indian Economic Scenario
  • History & Culture of India
  • Science & Technology
  • Indian Constitution
  • Current Affairs- International & National
  • Geography of India
  • Issues Related to India and Neighbouring Countries
  • Profit & Loss
  • Ratios & Proportions
  • Problems on Ages
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Time and Distances
  • Pipes and Cisterns
  • Time and Work
  • Areas and Volume
  • Data Interpretation
  • Space visualization
  • Problem Solving
  • Relationship Concepts
  • Decision Making
  • Visual Memory
  • Similarities & Differences
  • Non-Verbal series
  • Verbal & Figure Classification
  • Arithmetic Number Series

Preparation for General Awareness

Questions in this section are related to current affairs of national and international level and your general knowledge is tested in this section. So, have a good knowledge of Indian Laws and Constitution, history, Polity, Parliament, Economy, and Budget can fetch you good marks in this section of RRB NTPC.

Start with NCERT books and practice questions as much as you can. Also, read newspapers daily and keep yourself updated with current happenings.

Preparation for Arithmetic

Having complete knowledge of the high-school mathematics can help you in scoring good marks in this section. So, understand the theory behind the concepts and then practice the questions as much as you can.

Start with easier topics like Profit-loss, Ratio-Proportion, SI & CI Interest and then move to tough chapters like Problems on ages, Boats & Cistern, Time & Distance etc.

So, just remember the formulas of the topic and start with your preparation of the topics.

Preparation of General Intelligence Reasoning

Understand the concepts of the topics and practice an ample amount of questions to crack this section of RRB NTPC. Start with easy topics like Classification, Number & Alphabet Series, Distance & direction, Blood Relations as these are easy and scoring topics.

After that, move to other  topics like Statements and Conclusions, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement etc.

Understand the steps of solving the questions rather than learning the tricks of the questions. With consistent practice, you can easily score good marks in the section.

It is important to understand the concepts of the topics and then practice the questions. So, solve previous year question papers and mock test in order to increase your speed and accuracy of the exam.

Solving questions can also help in knowing the exam pattern and question pattern of the exam. Also, invest your time wisely in each topic of the exam. So, learn to manage your time in the preparation of the exam and during the RRB NTPC exam.

For more information or any kind of query regarding the preparation of RRB NTPC exam, you can post your comment in the comment section below.

Don’t forget to download RRB NTPC exam preparation app. It provides free study material, quizzes, mock test, previous year papers, and all the updates related to the exam.