How To Improve English For Bank Exams

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. This is a common problem among all the students. The main reason of lacking skills in English is nervousness. Indeed, most of the students fumble in the exam hall due to lack of confidence. Confidence is the key to every step in life. Hard work obviously helps but Confidence gives us the extra fuel.

We should not forget that our ancestors during the British Raj served them and they were pretty much fluent in English language. So we should not fear the subject rather we should start exploring it. English is always interesting and it automatically gives us confidence. A person who can converse in English can easily approach anyone. However, English is not alone gives us the confidence but it has a vast effect in it.

So lets get started.

1. Dictionary: People who really want to improve should buy a Dictionary immediately. Here is a superb dictionary you can buy: Best Dictionary 
However, just buying a dictionary won’t solve the problem. You have to browse through the dictionary and mark words and write them down. Find their synonyms and antonyms and increase your Stock of Words.

2. Journal: Try to maintain one English journal where you write down anything you read. You can write down daily current affairs or even newspapers. By this practice you will easily come to know many words, phrases and sentences.

3. Newspaper Reading: Keep English newspapers and read them on a daily basis. This will increase the stock of words and also make you understand different formations of sentences. Especially read the Editor’s columns cause that part usually have the best English. So by reading a newspaper on a regular basis you will learn new things and also it will update your current affairs.

4. Television: Tune into English TV channels and listen to the conversations carefully. How they speak, react. You will notice they, sometimes, talks wrong English but however they easily and confidently cope-up which you also should do.

5. Social Conversations: Everybody have friends. So why do we need to talk in local languages when we can converse in English? Even while chatting with on Whatsapp or Facebook or Hike or WeChat you should converse in full English words not with “gr8 , cme 2 me” language. In this way you will have brushed up English skills.

On the next post we will discuss about grammar. Till then do the above steps and stay confident. If your grandfather can then you also can.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:01 am