How To Improve Concentration

Hello and welcome to ExamPunditThe power to concentrate was the most important thing. Living
without this power would be like opening one’s eyes without seeing anything. A
lot of our aspirants have mailed us regarding lack of concentration while
preparing for IBPS, SBI or Other exams.

A man himself can be in charge of his mind. The strength of
his mind can be expressed through concentration or I must say the ability to
focus. Since time immemorial, it has become imperative to work on the mind in
order to achieve targets. A scattered mind set will lead you to no good.
There are factors responsible for scattered mind set and each
and every of the factor can be mitigated accordingly. Mental exercises prove to
be the most beneficial. Be it a chess grandmaster or a renowned cricketer
everyone needs to exercise their minds to help it work to its full potential.
Let’s elaborate three important exercises of the mind
1) Strengthen concentration: Think
about an object in your mind. It should be simple to imagine. Like a pen or
lemon or the face of your pet. This should be done twice a day and the duration
should be 5 to 10 min. The object chosen should be such that there is no
trouble picturing it. Do it without losing focus of the sight.
At the
beginning it will be way difficult to concentrate but with time it will become
easier. There will be random thoughts pooping in your mind. All you can do is
avoid these thoughts from pulling you and instead push them out and keep
focusing. This will improve your concentration at enormous amounts.


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2) Empty your mind: Emptying
your mind is actually a myth. It really doesn’t happen completely. All you can
do is keep your thoughts at bay. It is a common phenomenon to have any thoughts
hovering your mind to the extent of you forgetting the important tasks of the
day. In such case, make a list. A list of things you have to do without
forgetting. You can easily get them done then.
You can
also make a list of things bothering you and write down when you will deal with
it. Write down the time and date to deal with the issue. In that way you can
focus on your work and get it done peacefully.
3) Visualize for practice: Before
doing a task or completing a work try visualsing it. Visualize how you will do
it. Visualizing helps to keep one balanced, calm and focused to be precise. The
ability to accomplish a task mentally over physically again and again is
favourable. Like Delivering a shot in tennis or giving a speech after winning
something or making a plan of a building ,etc. The more it is done the better
one gets at the physical activity.
makes one perfect. Through the guidelines described above one can strengthen
the mind and overcome any hurdle to achieve their goals.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am