How to Calculate No. of chances for SBI PO 2019

SBI PO 2019 No of ChancesSBI PO 2019 No of Chances

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Yesterday SBI released the most awaited notification of SBI PO 2019. Since the release of notification, the aspirants have asked us about the calculation of No. of chances for SBI PO 2019 Application. So, we decided to clear all the doubts regarding the no. of attempts in SBI PO examination.

No. of Chances for SBI PO 2018

As per the notification of SBI PO 2019, the number of chances are defined as:

Category Max. Permissible Number of Chances
General/EWS 4
General (PWD) 7
SC/SC(PWD)/ ST/ ST (PWD) No Restriction


Dates for No of Chances

Candidates who have already appeared for the maximum number of permissible chances are not eligible to apply.

So, the number of chances will be counted from the examination held on 18.04.2010. Appearing in Preliminary Examination will not be counted as a chance. In the years in which only one written examination has been held (i.e. no Preliminary Examination has been held), appearing in this examination will be counted as a chance.


Now, we will answer some frequently asked questions related to the number of attempts in SBI PO and try to solve your queries in the simplest way.


In simple words, if you are a general candidate and appeared in SBI PO Mains Exam or SBI PO Single Exam for 4 times, you are not eligible. If you are a OBC candidate, then it is 7. For SC/ST, there are no limit.

On the other hand, Chances will be counted only from 2010 not before that. If you have appeared only in Prelims from 2015, then it will not be counted as an attempt.

However, those who have appeared in SBI PO prior 2015, their appearances will be counted as an Attempt.

FAQs on SBI PO Number of Chances

Q1: I am General, how many Attempts do I have for SBI PO 2019?

Answer: 4. SBI PO 2013-2014 had one exam only, so if you have appeared in that, it will be counted as an attempt. But from 2015, only the Mains exam appearances will be counted as attempts.


Q2: How many chances are there for OBC Aspirants in SBI PO?

Answer: 7. OBC candidates get 7 chances while SC/ST get unlimited.


Q3: I appeared in SBI PO when it had no Prelims(Before 2015), will that be counted as Attempt?

Answer: Yes. The SBI PO Recruitments with one exam will be counted as an attempt.


Q4: I appeared in SBI PO 2017/2018 but only in Prelims not Mains. Will it be counted as an attempt?

Answer: No. Only the Mains Appearance counts as an attempt in SBI PO Recruitment.



Q5: I have applied for SBI PO but did not appear, will it be counted as an attempt?

Answer: No. Unless you have appeared in the examination and gave the exam it will not be counted as an Attempt.


Q6: I was qualified for Mains but did not appear will it count as an attempt?

Answer: No. Only if you have appeared & written the exam then it is counted as attempt.


Q7: I appeared for SBI Associates PO exam, will it be counted as an attempt?

Answer: No. Only SBI Regular POs.

Q8: Will applying from EWS Category be treated as First Attempt?

Answer: The answer to this question is still unclear to us.


These are the top Frequently Asked questions about SBI PO no. of chances. Still if you have something to ask, feel free to comment.


You can apply from here.



Team Exampundit

This post was last modified on April 2, 2019 12:36 am