General Knowledge Quiz – Economic – Set 1

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a Set of General Knowledge Quiz for SSC, RRB NTPC 2016 conducted by Aries Fire. If you want to conduct your own quiz, you can always mail us at and after 10 sets hosted by you, we will dedicate a special page for your quizzes.

1. If the price of inferior goods falls , its demand?
  1. rises
  2. falls
  3. remains constant
  4. can be any of the above

2. Equilibrium is a condition that can?
  1. never change
  2. changes only if some outside factor changes
  3. changes only if some internal factor changes
  4. changes only if government policy changes

3. When the marginal utility is zero, the total utility is ?
  1. minimum
  2. increasing
  3. maximum
  4. decreasing

4. In economics production means?
  1. manufacturing
  2. making
  3. creating utility
  4. farming

5. Seawater, fresh air, etc are regarded in economics is?
  1. giffen goods
  2. inferior goods
  3. Free goods
  4. Normal goods

6. Which is the most essential function of an entrepreneur?
  1. supervision
  2. management
  3. marketing
  4. risk bearing

7. Purchasing power parity theory is related with?
  1. interest rate
  2. bank rate
  3. wage  rate
  4. exchange rate

8. A refrigerator operating in a chemist shop is an example of?
  1. free good
  2. final good
  3. producers good
  4. consumers good

9. Cross elasticity of demand between petrol and car is ?
  1. infinite
  2. positive
  3. zero
  4. negative

10. Price theory is also known as?
  1. macro economics
  2. development economics
  3. public economics
  4. micro economics

  1. UPSC-Unpredictable S Commision
  2. Taurus
  3. Kushagra Singh


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am