Expected Questions on Sukanya Samriddhi Account

Expected Questions on Sukanya Samriddhi Account

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Today we are sharing the most important Expected Questions on Sukanya Samriddhi Account. These Expected Questions on Sukanya Samriddhi Account will be important for all the upcoming Bank and Insurance exams.


Expected Questions on Sukanya Samriddhi Account

  1. Sukanya Samriddhi Account was launched by government under which scheme? – Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
  2. What is the current Interest rate of Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – 8.1%
  3. Which of the following organisation can open Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – Post Office / Commercial Bank
  4. Sukanya Samriddhi Account can be opened _________. – anytime between the birth of a girl child and the time she attains 10 years age
  5. After what age, parents cannot open a Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – 10 years of the girl child
  6. Parents can open a maximum of how many accounts for each of their children? – 2
  7. What is the minimum amount must be deposited in the account initially? – ₹250
  8. What is the maximum deposit limit per annum under Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – ₹150,000
  9. What is the minimum deposit limit per annum under Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – ₹250
  10. After which age the girl can self–operate the Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – 10
  11. Sukanya Samriddhi Account allows 50 percent of withdrawal at the age of 18 for higher education purposes? – 18
  12. Sukanya Samriddhi Account allows what percent of withdrawal at the age of ____ for higher education purposes? – 50
  13. What is the maturity period for Sukanya Samriddhi Account? – after time period of 21 years from date of opening it
  14. Deposits in the Sukanya Samriddhi Account can be made till the completion of __. – 14 years


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This post was last modified on August 15, 2020 12:15 am