Expected Questions on Local Area Banks

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Today we are sharing Expected Questions on Local Area Banks. The following expected questions are based on Limits, Features of Local Area Banks.

Expected Questions on Local Area Banks

  1. The Local Area Banks (LABs) are actually ______. – Small Private Banks
  2. The primary area of operation of Local Area Banks is _____. – rural and semi-urban areas
  3. Local Area Banks were created in which year? – 1996
  4. What is the minimum paid up capital required for Local Area Banks? – ₹5 crore
  5. What is the minimum promoter contribution required for Local Area Banks? – ₹2 crore
  6. The area of operation of the Local Area Banks shall be a maximum of how many geographically contiguous districts? – 3
  7. The Local Area Banks are required to observe the priority sector lending targets at what percent of net bank credit (NBC)? – 40%
  8. In 2014, RBI has permitted LABs to be converted into which bank? – Small Finance Banks
  9. At present, how many local area banks are the in India? – 4


Get the other Expected Banking Awareness Questions from here.


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Team Exampundit

This post was last modified on August 15, 2020 12:15 am