Expected Questions – International Current Affairs – Feb-March, 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here are some important Expected Questions from International Current Affairs from Feb-March, 2015.

1. Mohamed Nasheed,
who was arrested and imprisoned from 13 years under anti–terrorism laws is a

former president of __________.
– Maldives
2. ReEBOV Antigen is
a test kit of which deadly viral disease?
– Ebola
3. Which country
announced to allow work permits to spouses of H–1B visa holders?
– The USA
4. Name the dwarf
planet NASA’s Dawn spacecraft orbited recently.
– Ceres
5. Name the
spacecraft which orbited around Ceres to become the first to orbit a dwarf
– NASA’s Dawn spacecraft
6. Name the surface–to–surface
ballistic missile recently launched by Pakistan.
– Shaheen III
7. Shaheen III, a
ballistic missile recently launched by Pakistan has a range upto __________.
– 2750 Km
8. What is India’s
rank among most popular destinations for Muslim travelers?
– 14th
9. Researchers of
which country recently transmitted electric power wirelessly to a pinpoint
target using
– Japan
10. Name the
indigenously made Pakistani all–weather Drone recently tested.
– Burraq
11. Name the
indigenously made Pakistani laser–guided missile recently tested.
– Barq
12. Which university led
the list of World Reputation Rankings 2015 by Times Higher Educaton?
– Harvard University (US)
13. Name the college
recently became the US’ first officially recognised Muslim college.
– Zaytuna College
14. As per which
survey Narendra Modi took over Chinese president in handling of domestic and

international affairs?
– China’s National Image Global Survey 2014
15. Narendra Modi was
ranked top in China’s National Image Global Survey 2014 for ________.
– Handling of domestic and international affairs
16. Which country
overtook Germany to become the world’s third largest arms exporter?
– China
17. Name the Indian
personality who was named as Young Global Leader from India by World Economic

Forum (WEF).
– Smriti Zubeen Irani
18. Barrack Obama
recently named David Hale as the ambassador to _________.
– Pakistan
19. Name the Indian–origin
counsel recently appointed Judicial Commissioner in Singapore Supreme
– Kannan Ramesh
20. Which country
appointed Kannan Ramesh as Judicial Commissioner of their Supreme Court?
– Singapore
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