Expected Questions – India – April 16 – 30, 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here are the Expected Questions from India and it’s state current affairs from April 16 to April 30, 2015.

1. India recently
successfully test-fired the ballistic missile named ________.
– Agni III
2. What is the
operation range of the newly tested Agni III ballistic missile?
– 3000 KM
3. Name the indigenously
built Stealth Destroyer ship recently launched.
– Vishakhapatnam(Project 15 B)
4. Vladimir Makei who
recently visited India is the foreign minister of which country?
– Belarus
5. Name the
country(s) recently PM Visited in a 3 Nation Tour.
– France, Germany and Canada
6. Which state
government recently decided to discontinue Guard of Honour to ministers?
– Maharashtra
7. What is the rank
of India in the list of Generator of e-Waste in 2014 in Global E-Waste Monitor
by United Nations University
– 5th
8. E-Samiksha was
recently launched by which Ministry?
– Railways Ministry
9. Railways Ministry
recently launched E-Samiksha to ______________.
– monitor rail projects online
10. ‘Indira Gandhi
Rajbhasha Puraskar’ has been renamed to _________.
– Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar
11. Rajbhasha Kirti
Puraskar was previously known as ____________.
– ‘Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Puraskar’
12. Rajiv Gandhi
Rashtriya Gyan-Vigyan Maulik Pustak Lekhan Puraskar has been renamed to
– Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar
13. How much money
was allocated by Union Government to Combat Cyber Security Threats?
– 775 Crore
14. Which national
park was recently declared as India’s 48th Tiger Reserve?
– Rajaji National Park
15. Rajaji National
Park recentl declared as India’s 48th Tiger Reserve is located in which state?
– Uttarakhand
16. Rajaji National
Park in Uttarakhand was declared as India’s 48th Tiger Reserve thus becoming 2nd

Tiger Reserve in Uttarakhand. Which is
the first one?
– Corbett Tiger Reserve
17. What was the rank
of Indian Passport in the survey by Go-Euro?
– 48
18. India recently
signed a bilateral agreement on maritime transport with which country?
– Jordan
19. Which ministry
recently received ISO 9001:2008 certification?
– Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
20. India recently delivered
three multi-role Cheetal helicopters to which country?
– Afghanistan
21. India recently
had Naval Exercise named VARUNA with which country?
– France
22. What is the rank
of India on World Happiness Index?
– 117
23. India recently
launched Operation Maitri for what purpose?
– Relief and rescue in Nepal after Earthquake
24. Which state
government recently tied up with Tel Aviv, Israel for Smart Cities?
– Maharashtra
25. Maharashtra
recently tied up with ___________ for smart cities.
– Tel Aviv, Israel
26. How many sites
were recently approved by the Union Government for Nuclear Projects?
– 10
27.  Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) was launched with a financial
outlay of Rs ____________.
– 50000 Crore
28. Government
recently approved Smart Cities Mission to build _______.
– 100 Smart Cities
29. What is the
proposed amount to build 100 Smart Cities under Central Government’s Smart
– 48,000 Crore
30. Name the indigenous
cryogenic engine which ISRO recently tested.
– CE-20
31. ISRO successfully
tested indigenous cryogenic engine CE-20 which has a capacity of ________.
– Four-tonne
32. Which state
government recently approved a farmer compensation scheme named after Gajender

– Delhi
33. Which district
was recently declared as the first ‘open defecation-free’ district in India?
– Nadia, WB


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