Exam Review – SBI PO Prelims 2015 – 20 June – 1st Shift

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. A lot of people shared their reviews of SBI PO Prelims 2015 Exam held on 20 June, in the Morning 1st Shift. We received comments, mails and messages and thank you all for sharing the reviews.

English: It was Easy – Moderate(For a good number of students). The comprehension was on Finance( possibly on Lean Marketing). The Cloze Test was apparently easier than other Passage. Also sentence rearrangement was Moderate-Tough(very few candidates). Also there was 5 spotting errors, 5 filling the blanks.

Quantitative Aptitude: There was 2 sets of Data Interpretation which were not very tough neither Very Easy. It was normal level and One DI was on Import/Export of Bottles of 2 Countries. And the other was was a Bar Chart DI. There was Simplifications which were Good in Standards and killed a lot of time. Also there was Simple Interest, Average, Profit and Loss. The Questions were time consuming but not very hard in nature. There was 5 Number Series too.

Reasoning: Reasoning was Easy-Moderate for most of the Students. There was 1 Puzzle, 1 Sitting arrangement(inside/outside), 5 Syllogisms, 5 inequalities, Direction and Blood Relation test. Overall Reasoning was easy for most of the candidates. 

Average Attempt – Varied between 55-62 – Regardless of Any Category.


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