Exam Review – NICL AO Prelims – 3 June, 2017 – 1st Shift

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is the exam review in short for NICL AO Prelims first shift held on 3rd June, 2017. The review is shared by Aarushi Mathur.


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Close test on Problem of pollution in London – 7-8 ques easy
Reading Comprehension on Vlogging and its impact – 10 ques moderate
Replace the phrase in bold – 5 ques easy
Sentence correction 5 ques easy
Overall Easy

Quantitative Aptitude
Maths 5 no. series
7,11,19 ,36,69?
3 DIs – one bar graph, one was people registered themselves in a competition and percentage of not participated, one pie chart in which the percentage of five days was given and then the ratio of male and female.
5 quadratic equations very easy
Rest miscellaneous
Overall easy to moderate

One sitting arrangement north south ten people in two rows
One months puzzle 8 people attended seminar or something on two dates -14th and 27th of four months each March, April, September, October
One blood relation question
one direction question
4-5 inequalities question

One question on boxes kept on each other

Overall Easy

Average Attempts – 64-72


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:52 am