Exam Review – IBPS PO Prelims – 3rd October, 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPunditSo the first day of IBPS PO Prelims is over. And we did
receive sufficient number of reviews to provide a detailed review of today’s
exam. The following review is a combined review of the all the four shifts

Reasoning: Reasoning was mostly Easy to Moderate for the
aspirants. The questions were not difficult or confusing. Although, Puzzles
were reportedly confusing. The questions based on Syllogism and Inequalities
were mostly easy and candidates were happy with them. On the Seating
Arrangements based on Circular Diagram and Linear Diagram were reportedly
Moderate to Easy.
Coding Decoding, Blood Relation Test, Direction Test was
mostly easy. However, some of the candidates found them little confusing.
All over, reasoning was Attemptable and Not at all TOUGH. It
was mostly Moderate to Easy.
Quantitative Aptitude: The most infamous
test in the recent examinations was not very difficult. It was mostly moderate
but it did have quite a lot calculations.
There were Data Interpretation Questions based on Missing
Data which is very new for the entire community of IBPS PO Aspirants. So it was
a hectic experience for many. However, a lot of candidates did most of the Data
Interpretation Questions.
The Simplifications, Quadratic Equation question were mostly
EASY to Normal Standard. So it was quite a cakewalk for many aspirants. The
Number series had moderate reviews and a lot of candidates said the questions
were time consuming.
Common Questions based on Partnership, Average, Ages and
Interest were Moderate to Good Standard.
The Quantitative Aptitude part was NOT easy, neither it was
very difficult like previous exams. It was more or less attemptable.
English: English
was surprisingly the LOWEST ATTEMPTED subject. The
comprehension test was very tricky and lengthy. The questions based on Cloze
Test was moderate to difficult and the sentence rearrangements were rated
mostly as “Hard” to “Standard”. The fill in the blanks and
the vocabulary tests were Easy as per a large number of aspirants. Error
correction questions were also reportedly TOUGH.
English was mostly reviewed as Moderate to Difficult.
All over the examination was mostly Moderate. The average attempts varied between 57 to 63,
regardless of any shift, state or category.
Those who will go for examination tomorrow, make sure you
have done all the basics of Reasoning and Calculations. No need to take stress.
Just focus and believe yourself.
  1. Reasoning is expected to be Moderate
  2. Quantitative Aptitude is expected to be Moderate to
  3. English is expected to be Moderate to Normal Standard

All the best! May The Force Be With You.


Team ExamPundit


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