Essay – Ransomware – a new threat to deal with | SBI PO, BOB Manipal, NICL AO 2017 Descriptive

Hello and welcome to exampundit.  Here is an essay on Ransomware – a new threat to deal with  written by Prudhvi.

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Ransomware – A New Threat to Deal with – Prudhvi Ghanta
A massive ransomeware attack showed
the vulnerability of the world against cyber attack. Its over-reliance on the
digital world and artificial intelligence has made its defence fragile and
exposed to data thefts. The seeds of the massive cyber attack were sown by a
mysterious hacking group “ Shadow Brokers “ in April when it leaked a hacking
tool called “ Eternal Blue “ developed by the US National Security Agency(NSA).
Ransomeware is a type of malware
that essentially takes over a computer and prevents users from accessing data
on the computer until a ransom is paid. In most cases, the software infects
computers through links or attachments in malicious messages known as phishing
emails. Once the user clicks on the link or opens the document, their computer
is infected and the software takes over. It demands users pay $300 worth of
crypto-currency Bitcoin to retrieve their files.
Some of the major international
institutions that were attacked by ransomeware are British Health Service,
Russian Banks, Ministries, German Railways, Spain’s communications giant
Telefonica, power firm Iberdrola,  French
automobile company Renault, FEDEX etc.,
At a time when ransomeware is
creating tremors across the global industry, the org that use pirated software
are most vulnerable to cyber attacks. India’s cyber security unit Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) must frame safety features like a firewall
for safeguarding our data and systems.

The misuse of cyber tech seems to
be the latest weapon of mass debilitation, Over-dependence on digital tech has
become inevitable for a world that has to use computers to run tasks big or
small, Private or public, financial or admin. However advanced the tech
developed may be, there is always a threat of being attacked with malware. If
India has largely escaped this time, it may only be a matter of time before the
next attack succeeds. Before going full throttle as far as cyber crime is
concerned, India should keep in mind the havoc cyber mischief can create.

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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:52 am