EP’s Daily English Challenges for SBI PO 2017 – 2

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is 2nd Daily English Challenges for SBI PO 2017 by EP.

Direction for questions 1 to 5: In each of the following questions,
four sentences are given between the sentences numbered 1 and 6. You are
required to arrange the four sentences so that all six together make a logical
1. 1. It doesn’t take a highly esteemed medical expert to conclude
that women handle pain better than men.
A. First the men would give
birth, and then take six months to recover.
B. As for labour pains, the human
species would become extinct if men had to give birth.
C. They do, however, make life
hell for everyone else with their non-stop complaining about how bad they feel.
D. The men in my life, including
my husband and my father, would not take a Tylenol for pain even if their lives
depends on it.
6. And by the time they finish
sharing their excruciating experience with their buddies, all reproduction would
come to a halt.
2. 1. A few years ago, hostility towards Japanese-Americans was so strong
that I thought they were going to reopen the detention camps here in Kolkata.
A. Today Asians are a success
B. I cannot help making a
comparison to the anti-Jewish sentiment in Nazi Germany when Jewish people were
successful in business.
C. But do people applaud
President Clinton for improving foreign trade with Asia?
D. Now, talk about the
‘Arkansas-Asia Connection’ is broadening that hatred to include all Asian
6. No, blinded by jealousy, they
complain that it is the Asian-Americans who are reaping the wealth.
3. 1. Michael Jackson, clearly no admirer of long engagements, got
married abruptly for the second time in three years.
A. The latest wedding took place
in a secret midnight ceremony in Sydney, Australia.
B. It is also the second marriage
for the new missus, about whom little is known.
C. The wedding was attended by
the groom’s entourage and staff, according to Jackson’s publicist.
D. The bride, 37-year-old Debbie
Rowe, who is carrying Jackson’s baby, wore white.
6. All that is known is that she
is a nurse for Jackson’s dermatologist.
4. 1. Liz Taylor isn’t just unlucky in love.
A. She, and husband Larry
Fortensky, will have to pay the tab — $4,32,600 in court costs.
B. The duo claimed that a 1993
story about a property dispute damaged their reputations.
C. Taylor has just filed a
defamation suit against the National Enquirer.
D. She is unlucky in law too.
6. Alas, all levels of the
California court system disagreed.
5. 1. Hiss was serving as Head of the Endowment on August 3, 1948,
when Whittaker Chambers reluctantly appeared before the House Un-American
Activities Committee.
A. Chambers, a portly rumpled man
with a melodramatic style, had been a Communist courier but had broken with the
party in 1938.
B. When Nixon arranged a meeting
of the two men in New York, Chambers repeated his charges and Hiss his denials.
C. Summoned as a witness, Hiss
denied that he had ever been a Communist or had known Chambers.
D. He told the Committee that
among the members of a secret Communist cell in Washington during the 1930s was
6. Then, bizarrely, Hiss asked
Chambers to open his mouth.
Direction for questions 6 to 9:: Each question is a logical sequence of statements with a missing link,
the location of which is shown parenthetically. From the four choices available
you are required to choose the one which best fits the sequence logically
6. Many of us live one-eyed
lives. We rely largely on the eye of the mind to form our images of reality. It
is a mechanical world based on fact and reason. (_______). So today more and
more of us are opening the other eye, the eye of the heart, looking for
realities to which the mind’s eye is blind. This is a world warmed and
transformed by the power of love, a vision of community beyond the mind’s
capacity to see. Either eye alone is not enough. We need “wholesight”, a vision
of the world in which mind and heart unite.
(a) It had led to unprecedented
scientific growth and material well – being.
(b) In the nuclear age, our
mind-made world has been found flawed and dangerous, even lethal,
(c) The question is irrelevant,
whether or not they can be seen and reasoned.
(d) We have built our lives based
on it because it seemed predictable and safe.
7. People arguing for a position
have been known to cast the opposite in an unnecessarily feeble light.
(______). People who indulge in this fallacy may be fearful or ignorant of a
strong counter argument. Detecting this fallacy often depends on having already
heard a better refutation, or having information with which to construct one.
(a) Casting the opposite as
weaker than it really is, is a very effective strategy.
(b) This portrayal of a
refutation as weaker than it really is, is a sure way of proving your point.
(c) Casting the opposite as
weaker than it really is, is not a very effective strategy.
(d) This portrayal of refutation
as weaker than it really is, is unwarranted.
8. The question of what rights
animals should enjoy is a vexatious one, Hundreds of millions of animals are
put to death for human use each year. Contrariwise, it can be argued that
slowing down scientific research would retard discovery of antidotes to
diseases such as cancer which kill humans and animals alike. (_________). What
if super intelligent beings from Alpha Centauri landed on earth and decided to
use us for their experiments, arguing that they could save far more of their
and our lives by so doing?
(a) It will benefit both in the
long run.
(b) Is the argument truly fair to
(c) But the progress of human
civilization cannot be made contingent on some hypothetical rights of animals.
(d) There is no question of
equating human rights with those of animals.
9. A deliberation is a form of
discussion in which two people begin on different sides of an issue. (_______)
Then each decides, in the light of the other argument whether to adopt the
other position, to change his or her position somewhat, or to maintain the same
position. Both sides realize that to modify one’s position is not to lose; the
point is to get closer to the truth of the matter.
(a) Each person argues his or her
position most sincerely.
(b) The prerequisite for
deliberation to be productive is that persons involved must keep an open mind.
(c) The purpose is to resolve the
issue to the satisfaction of both parties.
(d) The trick is to state your
viewpoint from a position of strength.
Answers & Solutions – Tap to show
1. a. Starts with telling how
women handle pain better than men. Given example of child birth in A followed
by consequences in B, D states that men in authors’ life do not take
painkillers, C tells about their complaining.
2. a. D States the position now,
as opposed to a ‘few years ago’ mentioned in  1. B makes a comparison with a similar
situation which A continues with. C asks a question that is answered by 6.
3. a. A talks about where the
wedding took place, C states who all attended marriage, D tells us about the
bride and B states that little is known about her, a fact that is continued in
4. b. D states that in addition
to being unlucky in love, Liz Taylor is unlucky in law too. C states the reason
for that observation, A states the consequences of C and B states what the
lawsuit was about.
5. c. A tells us who Chambers
was, D states why he had appeared before the Committee, C states Hiss’ reaction
to charges against him. B states that Nixon arranged a meeting between the two,
and 6 continues with what happened at the meeting.
6. b. What follows the blank
shows that what has been happening till now has led to some undesirable things
and hence a change is now coming in. b. is the only choice that shows what
wrong has happened.
7. c. suggests that the strategy
adopted by some people is not very effective, and the idea is continued with in
the passage when the author refers to it as ‘this fallacy’.
8. b. What follows the blank
shows that the author is against the argument projected in the beginning of the
passage. B. is the only choice which would support this.

9. a. The passage begins with the
situation of two people on two different sides of the issue. Each gets a chance
to argue his or her position and after listening to each other they decide
whether they wish to change their position or not. The use of ‘then’ after the
blank shows that some action has taken place before it, and a. is the only
choice showing an action.


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:53 am