English Quiz – New Pattern Mixed – 38

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz based on Sentence Error Correction and Contextual Usage of Sentences for upcoming SBI Clerk, Syndicate PGDBF, Canara PGDBF, IDBI Executive examinations.


Directions for Questions 1 to 4: In each of the following questions there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

1. A. In 1849, a poor Bavarian imigrant named Levi Strauss

B. landed in San Francisco, California,

C. at the invitation of his brother-in-law David Stern

D. owner of dry goods business.

E. This dry goods business would later became known as Levi Strauss & Company.

(1) B only

(2) B and C

(3) A and B

(4) A only

(5) A, B and D

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1

Explanation: Sentence A is incorrect as the spelling of ‘imigrant’ is not correct , should be ‘immigrant’. Sentence D is incorrect because of a missing article and should be ‘ the owner of a dry goods ….’. Sentence E is incorrect and should be ‘….. would later be known as…..’. Sentence C is incorrect. We require a comma between ‘brother-in-law’ and ‘David Stern’.



2. A. In response to the allegations and condemnation pouring in,

B. Nike implemented comprehensive changes in their labour policy.

C. Perhaps. sensing the rising tide of global labour concerns,

D. from the public would become a prominent media issue,

E. Nike sought to be a industry leader in employee relations.

(1) D and E

(2) D only

(3) A and E

(4) A and D

(5) B, C and E

Answer & Solutions

Option: 4

Explanation: Sentence B should be’….its labour policy’ because the subject is Nike and we can’t substitute it with the plural pronoun ‘their’. Sentence C should be ‘Perhaps sensing that the rising tide…’ as without ‘that’ the sentence structure is incomplete. Sentence E should be ‘ ….an industry..’ as the word industry begins with a vowel so the appropriate article is ‘an’.


3. A. Charges and counter charges mean nothing

B. to the few million who have lost their home.

C. The nightmare is far from over, for the government

D. is still unable to reach hundreds who are marooned.

E. The death count have just begun.

(1) A only

(2) C only

(3) A and C

(4) A, C and D

(5) D only

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3

Explanation: Sentence B should be ‘…few millions…. ’Sentence D should be … reach the hundreds who are marooned.. Sentence E is incorrect as per subject verb agreement and should be ‘…death count has begun’.



4. A. I did not know what to make of you.

B. Because you’d lived in India, I associate you more with my parents than with me.

C. And yet you were unlike my cousins in Calcutta, who seem so innocent and obedient when I visited them.

D. You were not curious about me in the least.

E. Although you did make effort to meet me.

(1) A only

(2) A and B

(3) A and E

(4) D only

(5) A and D

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1

Explanation: Sentence B has tense inconsistency, it should be ‘…I associated you…’. Sentence C has a similar error and should be ‘….who seemed…’. Sentence D has an error of modifier placement and should be ‘…not in the least curious..’ Sentence E has a missing article, should be’…you did make an effort…’.



Directions for Questions 5 to 8: In each of the questions, a word has been used in sentences in five different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.

5. Run

(1) I must run fast to catch up with him.

(2) Our team scored a goal against the run of play.

(3) You can’t run over him like that.

(4) The newly released book is enjoying a popular run.

(5) This film is a run-of-the-mill production.

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3

Explanation: In Sentence 3 ‘run over’ as a phrasal verb means being physically mowed down and it is not appropriate to convey the symbolic sense of brow beating somebody.



6. Round

(1) The police fired a round of tear gas shells.

(2) The shop is located round the corner.

(3) We took a ride on the merry-go-round.

(4) The doctor is on a hospital round.

(5) I shall proceed further only after you come round to admitting it.

Answer & Solutions

Option: 4

Explanation: Sentence 4 is incorrect and should be ‘ The doctor is on a round/the doctor is on a round of the hospital.’



7. Buckle

(1) After the long hike our knees were beginning to buckle.

(2) The horse suddenly broke into a buckle.

(3) The accused did not buckle under police interrogation.

(4) Sometimes, an earthquake can make a bridge buckle.

(5) People should learn to buckle up as soon as they get into a car.

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2

Explanation: The expression ‘the horse suddenly broke into a buckle’ is idiomatically incorrect. The correct idiomatic expression is “broke into a gallop”.



8. File

(1) You will find the paper in the file under C.

(2) I need to file an insurance claim.

(3) The cadets were marching in a single file.

(4) File your nails before you apply nail polish.

(5) When the parade was on, a soldier broke the file.

Answer & Solutions

Option: 5

Explanation: In sentence 5, the expression ‘…a soldier broke the file…’ is grammatically incorrect. The correct idiomatic expression is “broke ranks”.




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This post was last modified on September 7, 2018 3:29 pm