English Quiz for Upcoming Bank Exams 2017 – Set 3

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for Upcoming Bank Exams 2017.


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Directions (Q. 1 -10): Read the passage carefully and answer the
questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases have been given in bold to
help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Digital technologies have made a
dramatic impact in not just bringing the world closer for everyone but, as
netizens, everyone is now part of the global village. The intimacy and the familiarity with each other, experienced in
villages are now being sensed in the global digital village as well. As a
result, it is easy to reach out to communities and get across the message to
anyone if we have the real desire to do that. We have recently witnessed how
the political and the governing process itself have been transformed in Delhi
on account of the power of active communication and collaboration amongst
people. Opinion making, experience sharing and building leaders overnight are
the new exciting trends of the digital technologies. The potential of
collaborative technologies in the context of rural upliftment, can lead to path
breaking socio economic changes. Arab Spring set the stage for re imagining the
world we live in, in recent times. Any revolution the world has lived through,
has been the resultant of a shift in the beliefs and vision of people
collectively, when large communities of people are influenced by such
information which makes them think differently. In the past, the medium of such
communication were books or radio or public meetings. Television and Internet
have taken the world by storm and digital technologies in particular have
empowered the people through timely and reliable information which can also be
verified. Thus, it is exciting to envisage
how the rural masses can be enthused to seek and share information about
various aspects of their lives leading to better opportunities for themselves.
It is a widely acknowledged fact
that digital technologies hold a great promise for rural development and
transformation. Broadly, we could classify
the ICT offerings meant for the rural sector into three categories. The first
would be those solutions which are aimed at ‘empowerment’. The second would be
‘enablement’. The third category would be ‘market expansion’. Let us try and
take a look at some examples of each of these dimensions to understand how ICT
is making a transformational impact on the rural sector. When we examine the
first dimension – empowerment – E chaupal comes up as a fine example. E
chaupal, with over 6500 kiosks in 40,000 villages in 10 states covering 4
million people, is an after quoted example of efficient supply chain system
empowering the farmers with timely and relevant information and enabling them
to get better returns for their produce. Because of the community centric
approach it adopts, the system has managed to create opportunities for
providing other offerings as well to the farmers – insurance and farm
management practices, to name a few.
The e-governance system is the
example of the second dimension enablement – with immense potential to create
transparency and good governance through IT. The successful implementation of
this system in areas such as land records in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh and others is indeed a great step in removing the malpractices and creating assurance of rightful ownership with the
citizens. In recent times, Aadhar has been seen as yet another tool to empower
the masses by confirming their identities. Despite the recent judgement of the
Supreme Court and the opposition to this scheme on the grounds of
politicisation, security and privacy, Aadhar is a good example of ICT solution
attempting to provide access to monetary benefits by establishing the correct
identity and through this approach, trying to expand the rural economy by
energising the dynamics of the economic system.
The third dimension, namely
market expansion with digital technologies, can be gleaned from several examples. Village and heritage tourism in
remote parts of the country have picked up a huge momentum on account of
awareness being created through online portals and thus attracting more
visitors as compared to the past. Direct connect with the potential customers
with the smart use of digital technologies through ecommerce has facilitated a
large number of artisans and agro based small enterprises in the rural areas to
bring in new businesses from new markets. Women’s livelihood is being
facilitated amongst the weavers’ community in the north eastern states by
marketing their products through the internet medium and thus, facilitating
custom orders or off the shelf sales without women having to travel long
distances to exhibit their wares. We need a game plan for orientating of rural
India with such case studies on using the technology to market their services
to wider audiences outside of the rural base- be it web presence and marketing
for their traditional crafts and arts or farm produce to customers globally or
bring in customers to their base through smart communication strategies,
marketing their villages as holiday destinations.
1. Choose the word which is most
similar in meaning to the word ‘gleaned’ as used in the passage.
1) Dispersed
2) Ascertained
3) Dissipated
4) Garnered
5) Accumulated
2. Which of the following are the
categories of the ICT offering in the given passage?
(A) Enablement
(B) Empowerment
(C) E- chaupal
(D) E- governances
(E) Market expansion
1) A and B
2) A, B and C
3) A, B and E
4) A, B and C
5) C, D and E
3. Choose the word which is most
opposite in meaning of the word ‘classify’ as used in the passage?
1) Segregate
2) Systematise
3) Organise
4) Estimate
5) Combine
4. Which of the following is/are
the example of ‘enablement’ dimension of the ICTs?
(A) e-governance
(B) Good governances and
(C) Marketing their villages as
holiday destinations
(D) Providing reliable
1) Only A
2) Only A, B and C
3) Both A and D
4) Both C and D
5) Only B, C and D
5. What are the new avenues
explored by the digital technology in rural India?
(A) Decision making, real time
participation and consultation is possible.
(B) Efficient supply chain
management is nurtured.
(C) Only real time status of
stock availability of food grains can be maintained.
(D) It provides direct
connectivity with potential customer.
1) Only A, B and D
2) Only B, C and D
3) Both B and D
4) Both A and C
5) Both C and D
6. Choose the word which is most
similar in meaning to the word ‘envisage’ as used in the passage?
1) Disregard
2) Ignore
3) reject
4) Imagine
5) Direct
7. What were the medium of
communication before the proliferation of Digital Transformation, according to
the passage?
(A) Books or radio
(B) Public meetings
(C) Newspapers
1) Both A and B
2) Both B and C
3) Both A and C
4) Only A, B and C
5) Only A
8. Choose the word which is most
opposite in meaning of the word ‘malpractices’ as used in the passage?
1) Breach
2) Dereliction
3) Abomination
4) Recognition
5) Good deed
9. What is the significance of
Arab spring in the digital transformation?
1) It removed the social economic
2) It had set the stage to
reimagine the world market.
3) Arab oil crisis was tackled
4) All of the above
5) None of these
10. Choose the word which is most
similar in meaning to the word ‘intimacy’ as used in the passage?
1) Affinity
2) Incompatibility
3) Hibernation
4) Enmity
5) Inactivity


1. 2
2. 3
3. 5
4. 1
5. 1
6. 4
7. 1
8. 5
9. 2
10. 1


  1. Akshita – 10/10
  2. Shalini – 8.75/10
  3. Chaitanya – 8.75/10

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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:52 am